The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

One can change it, can’t they?

Oh my gosh I had my Andover interview with a rep yesterday. She was an early 2000’s graduate and from the way she talked about her experience she must not have liked her time there very much. Really set me on edge!!

What… How… She’s an AO… Aren’t they supposed to love their school?

Same here with Exeter … Did not get a positive vibe.

Huh, weird.



Why?!?!?! @whimsicalwhims

They might put you in the late pool, but I have no idea. They might be gracious and let you in. On the other hand, they might have this electronic timer which closes applications at 12:00 and mark every application after that “late.”

@whimsicalwhims‌ I don’t think so. You should be fine. Many of the school’s sent emails regarding how they are still processing the materials so the online portal will take some time to reflect it. Also I think Andover pushed back the deadline.

Don’t worry there are lots of different people sending things in from different time zones so I think as long as apps are submitted basically on time give or take a few hours they will count it.

Well, at least it is over, and we have done everything that we can possibly do. I guess the easiest thing to do is to sit back and wait but thats no going to happen.

Lol I hope so too :(( @skieurope‌

Didn’t they extend the deadline because of the snow or something?

@whimsicalwhims: Andover extended it until Feb. 8. Did you get their blizzard email?

@whimsicalwhims: Quoting right here from the email. I added the stars for your reference.

Dear Andover Candidates,

Greetings from Phillips Academy! We are working on processing documents for your application as quickly as possible. As a result of the blizzard, we are slightly behind in our efforts. If you are delayed in sending something along, please don’t worry!

Given the circumstances, we are happy to continue receiving documents to complete your application up to a week beyond the deadline of FEB 1**. Once we have processed the documents, we will follow up with you to provide an update on the status of your application.

Please note that once your application is complete, you will no longer receive updates about missing application materials since we will have everything we need.

On behalf of your personal application advisors, let’s work together to complete your application!

That’s weird. I submitted a few of my docs yesterday (early morning), yet Gateway says it was submitted 2/2?

I’ve noticed that too. For some reason, Gateway is sometimes off with its times. @thelittleswimmer

Hahaa did any of you see the left shark dance out of sync with Katy Perry? It was so funny :stuck_out_tongue:

@thelittleswimmer‌ That’s happened to me too.
And here’s why: (From Gateway website)

I believe UTC time is about 5 hours ahead of EST.