The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

If you think the waiting is stressful now, in four years you will be waiting 3 months for college decisions. :slight_smile:

Wouldnā€™t it be awful if we never got past M9ā€¦ If M9 just kept repeating and repeating.

That would be a nightmare.

@goldenfyggā€Œ kinda like Groundhog Day. Lol that was a good movie, but if that happened in real life on M9ā€¦oh goodness. :-w

@goldenfygg How lovely.

Groundhog Day Part Two: The March Tenth Version! :stuckouttonguewinkingeye:

That sounds like a horror movie.

Would you rather get results tomorrow and get rejected to ALL of your school except one random one that you applied to (which you have no choice to go, but you applied there, so you will be happy), or get results March 10th and get accepted to two random schools that you applied to and have the power to choose until April 10, or get accepted to four random schools (that you applied to) on June 10th but have to give your decision within twelve hours?

That was a really random question, but Iā€™m curious to hear your answers. ^^

@mathman1201: Results on March 10. Besides, I only applied to two schools. :wink:

Well, by June 10th Iā€™d be fifteen so maybe Iā€™d make a better decisionā€¦? I canā€™t imagine waiting that long though. #no

March 10ā€¦June 10 is just too much for me!

@mathman1201ā€Œ Right nowā€¦ I only applied to one school ;p

Thatā€™s a lot of eggs in one basket, flavor.

well, i only applied to 6 so if I waited until june 10th I would have a better chance of getting into one of my 2 favorites

@mathman1201ā€Œ I donā€™t know why, but I am not freaking out as much as I am supposed to be. I guess the freaking out will happen a few days before the results actually come I guess. So March 10th for me, I donā€™t mind waiting.

@vanillapuff Thatā€™s a good thing, I guess. I actually need to control my nerves more.

I definitely regret applying to just one school. I feel like my chances are so slim as well. #-o

@Addie1643: Hope you donā€™t mind me asking, but what school did you apply to?

I just remembered something I did at one of my interviews that frustrated me! I was about to cough during my interview at the time and tried to hold it in so it kind of looked like I was making a little sigh, and my interviewer was telling me something about the school at the time so I hope she didnā€™t notice the ā€œsigh.ā€ (as you can tell, Iā€™m very stressed out currently).