The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015


@Bulatt its okay, I feel it :frowning:

I’m really sorry @UIButton I guess you can’t d anything now. At least you are intelligent enough to consider application :)>-

@LondonLady‌ thanks! The only thing that will determine a true answer is time and patience! I feel like I’m living the modern Allegory of the Cave :confused:


we can make it.

27 days! AOs could be sitting in a room right now, reading your application…

I got a call from some of the schools… I called them back and they said “it’s funny we were just reading your application! Here are some people in x department who would like to talk to you!” I don’t know if this is a good thing… I think I’m just getting rejected from everywhere :smiley:

I just realized… what if they move the date because of the snow?!? You don’t think they would do that… Do you?

If I’m accepted to any of the schools I am applying to, I’m thinking of starting a blog (WordPress or Blogspot), detailing my experiences when applying, days leading up to M10, M10 itself, the summer before the school year, and of course, details/experiences of every year I will have at that school. I think it would be a good reference for prospective students interested in that school and will help others when applying. However, it would definitely be boring if it was just “me, me, me” all the time, so I wanted to ask if anyone was interested in being co-bloggers as well! Of course, nothing would be certain until M10, but if any other CC-ers want to possibly participate, send me a PM!

@thelittleswimmer That’s actually a really good idea! It would definitely help future appliers. But let’s just wait until M10 before we plan anything.

@goldenfygg: If you read up above I mentioned “until M10” and “if I’m accepted to any of the schools I am applying to” ;), but yes, I’ll definitely wait until M10 :slight_smile:

I would love to contribute at thelittleswimmer if I get in anywhere that is. Hopefully we can make a plan in a month

27 days. Where did the time go? Seems like it was just September, when I started my applications.

I would love to help @thelittleswimmer That would be so cool! Alas, we haven’t got in …yet

Eep. I just found out today that I have a big event on the evening of March 10. Aggghhhhh!! I was hoping on pulling an all-nighter and stressing out with all of my fellow CC-ers but it looks like I will not be able to! :frowning:

I hope I am accepted to at least one of the schools–it would give me the extra confidence I need for the competition later that day :slight_smile:

@LondonLady: Great! Thanks for the expressed interest! Therefore, I currently have @goldenfygg, @bschoolsearcher, and @LondonLady (you) on the list to HOPEFULLY contact over March 10!

Now all we have to do is wait! The impatient person in me cannot wait for that day to come. :wink:

I’ll help too.

ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT until we know all of our decisions. In 4 weeks, we will know our fate.

I was going to get my braces on on March 10th

I’m glad I’m not. They will only add to the pain of my rejection!!:slight_smile:

I almost don’t feel like checking my results the morning before school. Imagine getting rejected from everything and then having to go through school with that weighing over your head. Horrible.