The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

And one other thing, when M9 arrives, someone should make a thread to just ramble on until results come.

@goldenfygg: There was a thread for last year’s that was called “The Morning and Night Before of March 10” or something like that.

@thelittleswimmer‌ Oh, me for the blog. :)!

@Britmom5‌ Yeah, I’m applying to Exeter and a small magnet school in my state, that’s it. Given more time I totally would have applied to more, but alas, I really didn’t know about BSes until the last minute! Thank god I got in all my materials on time.

@thelittleswimmer‌ Going to go ahead and jump on the train here and say I would love to help with the blog!

I feel like I should totally be more apprehensive. I have no idea whether I’m going to get in! I’m a really well-rounded student in all the extracurriculars and stuff, but I know there’s a million (really about 5000?) other kids out there way better than me at each and every thing. God, that freaks me out. I don’t really know how I might deal with going to a school where everyone is as smart or smarter than me - my whole life it’s been the exact opposite! Same for you guys I imagine? (along with literally everyone applying to boarding school/exeter :confused: :confused: :/)

@goldenfygg Can’t we just ramble on this thread?

@flavor: I feel the same way! For the first time in my life, I will be extremely challenged academically–but I am looking forward to it! I will also be able to finally interact with other kids who actually understand the importance of academics and a good education. :slight_smile:

@thelittleswimmer I agree! I voiced this to my interviewers as well. BS will help me on my way to success later in life! :slight_smile:

@mathman1201 Sure, as long as you don’t mind getting a bunch of notifications on M9 and M10! :wink:

@thelittleswimmer‌ states? Sorry I’m not too “with the times” on swimming after I ruined my shoulder :(. Don’t practice too hard or you’ll end up like me! Haha! I know my friend is waiting to open hers after JOs :slight_smile:

@UlButton: I’m sorry, I’m not exactly sure what you’re referring to. I’m not that good at swimming to make it to states ;). I’m sorry to hear about your shoulder! One of my friends hurt her shoulder as well and she was unable to swim for one year. She’s “back in shape” now but her shoulder still bothers her. I hope you’re able to swim again soon!

@UlButton: Allegory of the Cave! I just read that a few weeks ago. It’s so well written. :slight_smile:

@goldenfygg: Yes, I feel the same way!! It irks me whenever someone lists their reasons for BS as “to get into an Ivy.” Getting into an Ivy would be nice, but that shouldn’t be the reason for spending 4 years of your life at a top-notch school. It should be because you want to have an excellent high school experience and be in a thriving, supportive environment!

Sorry for being inactive, just taking some time off for my birthday and to catch up on school. @thelittleswimmer‌ I only applied to Andover however I had interviews with Deerfield, Exeter, Loomis and Hotchkiss.

I am definitely going to have a hard time during school on M10. Don’t know exactly how I’ll make it through the day!!

Exactly!! I hate it when I read things about applicants who only want to go to boarding school because of the Ivy League! It’s not about going to a prestigious college or university rather having the exposure to some of most incredible teachers, cultures and opportunities. At least in my opinion.

Getting accepted into an Ivy League wouldn’t hurt, though. :wink:

@goldenfygg Oh definitely not!! I would be so honored and excited if I were given the chance to attend one! However I mearly mean that for those that only want to attend a BS for increased Ivy chances are completely missing the fact that BS is equally incredible and cannot just be used in order to attend an Ivy League school. If that makes any sense :wink:

@Addie1643 No I understand completely! I want to go to BS for the experience.

@goldenfygg I’m perfectly fine with the notifications. I get like 1000000 everyday anyways. :wink:

@thelittleswimmer @UIButton How does someone hurt their shoulder while swimming? I had a pain in my shoulder a couple of months ago which freaked me out, but I had no idea how I hurt it. (And it was while I swam, because it started hurting during practice).

Oh well, I’m fine now. All I have to do is shave that one annoying second from my time in the 100 Back to get to JOs.

you know that attending boarding school could actually make getting into ives more competitive


First they give me an access code that doesn’t work, then they tell me they don’t have my school report & grades & recs even though they were sent with all the other schools’ copies and they all have them

And they tell me NOW


It will work itself out. It is the middle of February and I still haven’t interviewed for choate