The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Sameee!!! @LondonLady

@mathman1201: I asked my friend and she said her shoulder injury came from poor technique and muscle strain/pull, and that instead of stretching and resting, she just “muscled through the pain”, which made her injury worse.

Lol my shoulder hurt today during practice. I was kind of freaked out but we did a lot of sprint sets today so it was probably just lactic acid buildup. I was in a lane with swimmers who were 3x faster than me though … :(…everyone else was on taper so the other faster swimmers and I who weren’t going to that meet were all put in a lane together, haha.

BTW, what’s your 100 Back time?

There’s this girl on my swim team that practically has unlimited energy. Our practices are 2.5 hrs and she SPRINTS. THROUGH. EVERYTHING…!! Even warmups!!

@thelittleswimmer My 100 Back time (SCY) fluctuates from a high 1:02 to a low 1:03.

Haha I know those people!! Sometimes that’s me.

Has anyone filled out the prospective athlete forms? I’m interested in continuing volleyball, softball and crew.

I did.

@thelittleswimmer‌ have you been contacted by any of the coaches yet?

@Addie1643: I re-emailed one and that coach got back to me, yay :slight_smile:

Yes, you should fill out the Prospective Athlete Form. The coach that emailed me advised me to fill it out as it is meant for applicants interested in a sport there at that school.

@thelittleswimmer‌ ok thanks! Do you feel like the sports environment will be very competitive? I feel a bit of anxiety about it sort of because I’m afraid that the programs will be just as intense and hard as the curriculum is made out to be.

@Addie1643: I’m sure it will be quite competitive, and there will be other people there who will take it “too seriously”, but I’ve heard that the teams at Andover are quite supportive of one another. When I had my on-campus visit, my tour guide told me that his team (Varsity) is very supportive and that his closest friends at Andover are on that team (since they go through trials and tribulations together).

I understand what you are feeling right now, I am anxious about the competitiveness of the sports teams there as well! Perhaps we will both be accepted to Andover and we can go through the intimidativeness (is that even a word?) of the competitive sport teams together :slight_smile:

(I think I mentioned “Andover” too many times on this post), hahah

@thelittleswimmer‌ That would be so great!! 8-> I do hope that if I am accepted that some of the other applicants on here will be accepted with me. Just imagine, we could start our own forum on here detailing the trials and tribulations of life as a new student at Andover. Andover Andover Andover!!! There I did it too

@Addie1643: Yeah!! Actually earlier on this thread I mentioned making a blog which is similar to what you’re thinking:

If I’m accepted to any of the schools I am applying to, I’m thinking of starting a blog (WordPress or Blogspot), detailing my experiences when applying, days leading up to M10, M10 itself, the summer before the school year, and of course, details/experiences of every year I will have at that school. I think it would be a good reference for prospective students interested in that school and will help others when applying. However, it would definitely be boring if it was just “me, me, me” all the time, so I wanted to ask if anyone was interested in being co-bloggers as well! Of course, nothing would be certain until M10, but if any other CC-ers want to possibly participate, send me a PM!


@thelittleswimmer‌ Yes! I must have been thinking of it subconsciously :wink:

Exeter has a blog like that. It would be cool to get a blog with several schools on it.

Five hours ago I was watching acceptance videos online and thinking “can’t wait till M10!” Now I am on the opposite side of the spectrum and believe I will get nothing but rejections and WL… GAH. :expressionless:

I fear that my test scores, grades and that one of my recommendations being submitted late will ensure that I’m not accepted. But all we can do is wait for M10 I guess

@Addie1643‌ I fear that mine are too horrible to even consider for wait list… but you are correct!

@Addie1643: I don’t think the admissions office will fault you for the late recommendation–they know that the situation is out of your hands. Was the recommendation sent after Feb. 8? Andover allowed for materials to be sent within one week after the stated deadline (Feb 1) because of the blizzard, so if it was submitted between Feb 1 and Feb 8, you’re fine.

@thelittleswimmer yes I got the deadline extension email and that literally saved my whole application! The recommendation was sent the day after, well it was one teacher doing two recommendations, the personal and special interest rec.

I think that when admissions decisions come rolling in on March 10 there should be a separate thread for those who have acceptances and those who have rejections/waitlists. When reviewing the previous March 10 threads from years past similar to this one, I noticed that many of those who were accepted had to refrain from (or were strongly advised by parents) to not mention their acceptances to avoid upsetting those who were rejected/waitlisted. Although I think it is great that those who were accepted are minding the feelings of those who were rejected/waitlisted, it’s kind of disturbing to have them hold back on their joy. If it were me, I’d be bouncing off of the walls, wanting to tell everyone about my acceptance.

@Addie1643: Yeah, that deadline extension was definitely a lifesaver! Two of my recs ended up submitting it after Feb 1, so I was really happy that it wasn’t considered late!