The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

I just created this countdown timer thing:

(It ends at 6:00 AM on M10)

^^^^^My reaction exactly

Don’t know about Yall but I’m still freaking out about materials for my application. I mean I have everything but I’m still worried that something will go wrong and it will get me rejected.

I know someone that got a rejection letter from Milton recently because they didn’t have the correct forms or something.

@goldenfygg Did they receive an actual letter or just an email?

@goldenfygg: That’s harsh…I didn’t even know schools could do that.

Of course they can. They will not consider an incomplete application.

Well, I’m 17, but my M10 was 4 years ago, so I guess that’s not the same.

Someone should start a random trivia thread :-/

I just did!!

@goldenfygg Did the guy have an incomplete app? How did he not have the correct forms?

Eeek this is scary.

She’s sort of an intl. applicant. (she just moved to the u.s. this year) Her parents didn’t fill out the correct forms so Milton just sent her a rejection letter. Maybe this is Milton’s way of making their selection process easier.

No this is my first year applying! So scared though @stargirl3

I wish M10 was on a Saturday or Sunday. That would make it more convenient to stay up all night to obsess and freak out.

@Addie1643: Really? To be honest, I thought you were 15 based on your profile pic, hahah (which is good!).

Kind of off-topic but I just remembered that my two favorite shows are today! Fresh off the Boat (ABC) and Child Genius (Lifetime)!! Wooooooooo

I love Fresh off the Boat! It’s stereotypical, but it’s still really good.

@goldenfygg: Yeah! It’s a bit much on the stereotype side, but it’s hilarious! Eddie’s family is a lot like my family and his grandma reminds me of my grandma, hahah.

Remember when Eddie was talking about CLC – Chinese Learning Center: “For science, reading, math…and violin!”…so very sterotypical, but I busted out laughing!

@thelittleswimmer Me too! My whole family loves the show, even though my dad isn’t even Asian.

@thelittleswimmer‌ I LOVE CHILD GENIUS! It makes me feel bad about myself though lol. I’m rooting for Vanya, idk why.