The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@ajsmiles12: Hooray! Another fan! I’m Team Yeji. I’m also on Team Ryan, but his mom is such a tiger mom it scares me. About 1000x as intense as my parents, and my parents are pretty intense!

@thelittleswimmer Ryan’s family is definitely the most interesting! Alan ( I think that’s his name) really wants that computer :slight_smile: Yeji is so sweet though, Katherine kind of annoys me


You have the right name (Alan).

Yeah, Katherine is kind of annoying. She’s really competitive, too. But she is BEAST at memorizing things.

Were you sad to see Binyamin go home?

I was sad, although he wasn’t necessarily my favorite. What really made me upset about him leaving was his crying immediately after the first round.

Were you upset about Tanishq leaving?


Yeah, I felt bad for Binyamin after he cried. What annoyed me though was Lifetime constantly showing the picture of Binyamin’s dad doing the ninja stuff. He honestly looked like 007/James Bond with all of those poses. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tanishq annoyed me too because the show, his mom, and him kept on constantly mentioning that he was “in college” and “a college student” and “taking college classes” and that none of the kids in the competition “were in college.” I’m pretty sure Tanishq or his mom mentioned the word “college” at least three times each episode. :astonished:

I hope BS isn’t like Chilton on Gilmore Girls. :-SS

But it would be so cool if it was like Constance Billard School on Gossip Girl!

I wouldn’t mind living in a Gossip Girl-esque world!

I never read Gossip Girl. Is it a girly book or is it a good read?

I’ve never read the book but the show is really good!

There’s a show?? I never knew that.

What’s it about?

Umm…It’s kinda girly, but it’s about five best friends as they navigate through highschool and college under the scrutiny of the extremely wealthy Upper East Side elite.

Sex and the City for the Younger Set.

^^^Yeah, basically.

@goldenfygg‌ Oh my, are you serious? Wow.

@mathman1201‌ You didn’t know it was a show? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just so many girls at my school talk about it. Not to stereotype, but I’m pretty sure a good few of them don’t even know it’s a book series lol.

The Banning Game has officially been closed. I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about that. Slightly sad about it… :frowning:

@mathman1201 I noticed that too. But I thought skieurope said that he wouldn’t shut the thread down?

Well I thank whoever did shut it down. It was fun the first few times and then it became downright ridiculous.