The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

What was the banning game?


@goldenfygg omg this is funny

I kind of miss it now. I wonder why it was stopped.

@thelittleswimmer Wow! Must have been the lighting! Ha ha, I’ve never been told I lolk younger than I am, only older for some reason.

The Milton rejection letter is really freaking me out, I mean that would scar me for life. I wonder what exactly was wrong. Imagine if ever school we are applying to only wants the essays in a certain rare format and we all send it different. Oh god, I can’t even. What if one tiny thing that they didn’t specify is wrong and they throw out my entire application without even looking it it?!?

Who else cannot sleep for absolutely no reason?

@UlButton Meeeeeee tooooo

@thelittleswimmer‌ yayayy

Is it bad that I’ve been studying for the SSAT’s for the past hour or so? It’s literally just habit now.

Does anyone have any tips for test taking anxiety?

Walk in and have the notion that everyone expects you to do horrible. Now prove them wrong. That always works for me. Or you could just take the strategy of one problem at a time and if one gets you stumped just move on and come back to it later if you can.

Basically, just try to forget your taking a test at all, it’s just a silly little quiz that you can knock out of the park and you know that you know how to do it.

Sorry that probably seemed crazy

@goldenfygg @whimsicalwhims I think that if BS is anything like Gossip Girl it will make me even more happy. Who wouldn’t want to live the teen Upper East Side life but at an amazing top tier BS?? Not me that’s for sure :)>-

@Addie1643‌ thanks!!!


We’re so close.

20 days is nothing for us, but I bet the bulk of decisions will be made in the next two weeks.

I shut it down because yesterday’s activity consisted of a grand total of 3 people posting over and over and over again. It’s run its course.

Ok. That makes sense.

What if the AOs are looking at my app right now… I have goosebumps now!! :-SS