The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

AWESOME! I’m running out of songs to play :frowning:

@thelittleswimmer‌ Can I make some changes (add some columns) to your spreadsheet? I was planning on making it myself and I have a few things I’d like to add this year.

@stargirl3: Yeah, make all of the changes you want! It was your original idea and I only reformatted it a bit, so you definitely can edit or change any parts.

I’m really sorry for taking it over this year! It was incredibly selfish and rude of me, especially when you were planning to do it. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking when making it! If you would like to, you can submit your spreadsheet instead and I can just move mine somewhere else. :slight_smile:

@thelittleswimmer‌ Don’t worry! I’m a bit of a control freak. I made an additional ■■■■■■■ that fits my old format (because, yeah, control freak), which is http://■■■■■■■.com/ccprepschooldecisions2015. Yours still works, though. I’ll add some columns, and I’ll probably end up deleting the existing babble. :stuck_out_tongue:

@stargirl3: Haha yeah, I noticed the different tinyurl links. :slight_smile:

You should have seen the spreadsheet yesterday, haha! mathman and UIButton were vandalizing it :stuck_out_tongue:

I like things clean and perfect… except my bedroom.

@stargirl3‌ I FEEL IT HAHA!!!

@thelittleswimmer‌ hey now it wasn’t anything naughty! We cleaned it up, too XD. TWAS ALL FUN HAHA LAST NIGHT WAS FAB!


Lol yea last night was pretty cray.

Don’t worry! You’ll be fine. @UIButton

@mathman1201 thanks, friend but I DOUBT I’ll get into Exeter with my #S :(… even though I wrote WHY they were that way and GUUHH FREAKING MY FREAK!

Admissions is not just numbers. Remember that. @UIButton

@mathman1201‌ thanks, bud. I’m probably freaking out about something very small… I do that sometimes XD

I keep thinking stuff like “M10 is only 6 days after school council and school council is a week from Wednesday so it’s basically tomorrow.” :-S

It was great chatting with all of you for seven hours. That’s an all time record for me. Keep staying cool guys. @goldenfygg @thelittleswimmer @UIButton @stargirl3

Lol I keep getting email notifications XD. Its always awesome talking to you guys! I must work now :(.

Hey, we should do this again:

Yes, definitely. I am going to be needing some rejection songs :slight_smile:


@mathman1201 You have an amazing chance! Don’t worry!