The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Noo you do!! Thank you ;:wink: @UIButton

@mathman1201 thanks!! We will see what happens! You got this!


Oh god you guys!! I just had the worst nightmare, I dreampt that I got an email at 5 AM and it was a rejection. Then When I got out of bed all of the Andover Admissions officers were in my living room telling me that I had ugly bed head and needed to brush my teeth, then said in synchronized speech that my application for admission had been denied.

Woke up the next thing with sweats. Hm, flu dreams much? Lol I nearly had a heart attack because when I woke up I thought it was real. Thank god thereā€™s still time.

Ahh Iā€™m so nervous about March 10th. Less than two weeks away now [-O<

It totally freaks me out that in two weeks Iā€™ll knowā€¦. Even if itā€™s waitlistland again, Iā€™ll know something.

Itā€™s the not knowing thatā€™s the hard part and itā€™s also not knowing thatā€™s the easy part. You wait and stress and worry about not getting in and you wait and still have hope that you might get it.

Iā€™d much rather be waitlisted than rejected, but ughā€¦ waitlists extend the ā€œwaiting for March 10ā€ mindset with an added sense of both hope and negativity.

These next few weeks will going by so quickly. This week is almost over, next week I have benchmarks (mid-terms), and then Iā€™m off on the 9th with a soccer game in the evening, and then my National Latin Exam on M10. I remember in November, I was like ā€œFour more months.ā€ Wow.

When do yā€™all have your spring breaks?

We had last week off and weā€™re (probably) going to get the third week in Aprilā€¦ unless they get rid of it because of all the snow days.

Wow! It must be snowing a lot where you are. Iā€™m off today since there was predicted snow, but so far, itā€™s only rained. Lol.

@02glovesā€Œ Seen Bostonā€™s horrendous amount of snow on the news recently? Yeah.

I actually have my spring break in March, so Iā€™ll be out of school on the 10th.

Less than 2 weeks now!

Gah. Iā€™m both excited and nervous for M10. #nervicited

Iā€™m not your princess

This ainā€™t a fairytale

Iā€™m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well

Iā€™m feeling oddly calm for some reason. Bring it on, March 10th.

Wow!!! Thatā€™s SO much. I wish I lived up north. It actually just started snowing here and I really hope it sticks because itā€™s so beautiful. Sigh.

@02glovesā€Œ Yeah, it is beautiful - but just at first. Then suddenly youā€™re out of school more than in it, theyā€™re talking about taking away vacations/days off (I hear Boston Public Schools is into the month of July by 2 days - which I believe is not allowed under the teachersā€™ contracts - I know in my town teachers canā€™t be forced to stay after June 30th, but Iā€™m not sure about BPS). Then you just get sick of shoveling, the snow banks suddenly get bigger, roads smaller (although the sidewalks look really cool because thereā€™s like a wall of snow separating you from the roads), roofs start leaking (my roof has been leaking a little, and I know this is a major problem in many homes). Lol, weā€™re going to have these Idk 7 ft. high snow banks still here on M10.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I actually like the snow and the winter. Still this year is just too much snow. Also, it is way to coldā€¦

Wow I canā€™t believe I just went on such a long rant about snow haha.

Omg, what if thereā€™s another snow storm on M10 and everything gets delayedā€¦