The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

No, 12 days.

Oops oh yeah I set one for the weekend of that week too

Goldenfygg made a countdown timer and it is here

11 days, 0 hours and 6 minutes :scream:

Time is ticking…almost 10 days left!!! [-O<

Hi! I’m so glad to see so many people on the same roller coaster ride as I am, it would be an understatement to say that I’m nervous but reading the threads seem to bring comfort so thanks guys! good luck to you all xxxx

Not to put a damper on it, but that’s pretty young to start turning grey.

Oh holy crap, this is horrifying. So little time!

yeah, same! it felt like so far away when I was touring schools last year!

10 days, 11 hours, 1 minute and 20 seconds. TOO SOON

i really want to know where i got into (if anywhere), but at the same time im dreading the inevitable rejection letters… gah its such a contradiction : /

So weird to think they could’ve already decided if we’ve gotten in or not.

Also, this could be a totally dumb question, but do they have debates over some students?

Probably. There are probably many applicants that are “tied”, and they must debate to see who will make the cut. @02gloves

Worst feeling is when you are applying for FA and you are twice as worried >.<

@Bulatt‌ Ugh, true. B/c you could get accepted…but not enough FA ://

It is the last day of February. The dreaded and anticipated March is right by the corner. 10 DAYS LEFT!!! :(( :-&

Did everyone get an email from Exeter

@Davis2298‌ Confirming that your application was gone? Yes.

Did anyone else get an email from Andover saying that they could check the Gateway portal on M10 at 5pm, for their admission decision?