The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@02gloves‌ why not? :frowning:

Hi, I’m new around here. I am freaking out too. So is anybody Applying to Exeter?

@LondonLady I’m applying to Exeter! What grade are you applying for? I’m applying for 9th grade.

me too. Where else are you applying? I’m trying for Exeter, Andover, St. Paul’s, Choate and Deerfield as well as two local schools. :slight_smile: . That gave me a grand total of 18 admissions essays

I’m going for my interviews soon, how did you find yours?

I think my interview went pretty well. It didn’t feel like an interview at all; it was basically a conversation.

What was the hardest thing they asked you?
Where else are you applying?
Sorry for the questions I am stressing a lot
PS I’m glad the interview went well, it is a big part of the process, it can counter slightly off scores, I guess… ;))

It’s funny how I might be touring some of you guys and never realize. I’m a tourguide at Exeter :smiley:

It is, I may bump into one of you on a revisit- fingers crossed- and you would never know it was me

My interviewer basically looked at the ECs that I wrote down on the questionnaire and asked me about those. And then our conversation just continued from there. I can’t really remember any specific questions… I think he asked me what my favorite subjects were, what I like to do for fun, that sort of thing.

thanks goldenfygg. Only 9 more weeks to go!

Oh dear. Time sure does fly by pretty quickly! There’s a thread in the Café section that even has a countdown link lol.

i saw that thread! Hopefully stressing about apps will take some of the stress off of my classes lol!

@theidiot Is Exeter baseball team good? do I have to be real good to get into varsity? or just an amateur level of playing will do?

Also, what about other sports in BS? Do they all have experienced players who have played that particular sport for years in varsity? Can someone who play the sport casually in their free time get in?

Most boarding schools have “recruits”, students that come to play 1-2 varsity sports for the teams (or even 3, sometimes!). It’s hard to make it on varsity-- there are a lot of student-athletes. It’s probably not as competitive as some public schools however.

Exeter’s varsity basketball team is really good this year, and a really good freshman was demoted to JV for this one year. Post-graduates take up spots on the team and generally start.

In general, it’s easier to get onto varsity teams at smaller schools ( think about it: basically the same size roster for the varsity team of any sport-- but fewer people competing for it at smaller schools). The exception will be at small schools which really specialize in a particular sport, and attract players in that sport-- but, overall, you’ll have more of a chance to play varsity at smaller schools.

Yikes! I swim, but now I’m worried about the competition!

Same here. :frowning: Oh well.

Does Exeter have anything like cheer or gymnastics? I do gymnastics and am just wondering