The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@thelittleswimmer‌ yay go pizza!

Yeah, CC has a lot of room. We aren’t as selective as Exeter.

@kingthekid @GryffinHunter‌ but we’re even nicer than andover!!

@mathman1201‌ Thank you!! I got accepted :slight_smile:

Yayyy!! That’s great news!!! @thatwritingdream‌

Okay, how’s everyone dealing with the nerves? At my school I’m currently the only one going completely insane with anxiety. I’ve gotten into a couple of schools, but I’m still waiting on my top choices, and its killing me. :((

Whew, spring break is in session. Finals are over… I’m exhausted.

Five days, folks. Keep your heads up.

I have four mid-terms today. Ugh. Once those are over it’s a three day weekend for me. I really wish it wasn’t. What am I supposed to the Monday before M10?!

An Andover Email Regarding Gateway Decisions was sent out just now … :slight_smile: Just letting you guys knoww

I have the NLE on March 9 (Monday) so I’ll be pretty pre-occupied with that O_O

@FuturePA17: Thanks for the info! Actually those in the US received that email around last week, but thanks for letting us know about it! :slight_smile:


@FuturePA17: Oh! I’m sorry, you were referring to the new email today (I just saw it).

@thatwritingdream Apparently in Gateway there’s a link to the Andover portal, so I guess there’s not a Part 4 then.

@thelittleswimmer‌ I have the NLE on M10! Good luck to you! Are you in 9th grade?

Lol That’s no problem @thelittleswimmer‌ … :slight_smile: :slight_smile: i’m wondering how this new portal will work… Do they post like a generalised letter or just a statement that says “Accepted” or “Rejected”.

@FuturePA17: I think it will look like an email format. Sgopal2 posted this one on another thread for his son’s acceptance to Andover in past years, but this was sent directly to an email and not in the portal.


I am in 8th grade.

Good luck on the NLE!! What level are you taking? I will be taking the Latin 1 version.

@thelittleswimmer‌ Oh, I’m in 9th and will be taking Latin I, also. Unfortunately, they don’t offer foreign languages at the middle school level in my school system :frowning:

Why did they send 2 emails?