The Most Extreme Haiku Challenge

<p>All posts in this thread
Shall be writ in haiku form.
How are you today?</p>

<p>The teachers at school
They tried this through their emails
Theirs’ were humourous</p>

<p>They wrote on powerschool
And how much they hated it
Powerschool, you suck</p>

<p>Kingdom of Loathing
Also has a channel where
They do the same thing.</p>

<p>My faves are on spam
the pinkish meaty substance
I now want to puke</p>

<p>[Spam</a> Haiku](<a href=“]Spam”></p>

<p>this is very strange
i can’t believe i’m really
wait i did it agh</p>

<p>You know you love it.
Haiku is your great ruler
Bow to its power.</p>

<p>*** is that?
why am I doing haikus?
my life is wasted.</p>

<p>Steven Seagal man
He can feel no emotions
He will kick your ass</p>

<p>^^You must be quite bored
Fear not, for that’s all of us
Here in High School Life.</p>

<p>This is too funny
I too am extremely bored
But this makes my day.</p>

<p>I spend my time here
As Valentine’s Day passes
And I’m still alone.</p>

<p>The above haiku
Sounds extremely emo-ish
But trust me, I’m not.</p>

<p>I should not be here.
scholarship app due by five,
Essay incomplete.</p>

<p>I like haiku though.
It’s fun to make your thoughts fit.
Blank verse is fun too.</p>



<p>I know what you mean–
Wrote one of those in two hours
And lost handily.</p>

<p>This is so pointless
but I just can’t break the form
Guess it’s addicting</p>

<p>I’m sick of waiting.
When will March 31 come?
Don’t answer that one. ;)</p>

<p>Trend breaker?</p>



<p>At least I’m writing
Inside a haiku.</p>

<p>My banana pop.
My grapes just fell in a ditch.
I am really cool.</p>

<p>wish i could go out
it sucks to be in trouble
no party tonight</p>

<p>Doing haikus: fun
College Confidential: fun
Eating chicken: fun</p>