The New Jersey Scholars Program

<p>I just found about about a summer program called The New Jersey Scholars Program that takes place at Lawrenceville. Has anyone attended this program? What do you know about it? How good does it look for college? Is it comparable to Governors School?</p>


<p>I have never heard of it !! I checked out the website - It is rather vague on the academic requirements.</p>

<p>Souds like a great program !</p>

<p>Hi Shadow123! I did not go to the New Jersey Scholars Program, I only made it up to being named a semifinalist which is a pretty big accomplishment considering they have over 400 students around New Jersey applying. They then widdle it down to 70-90 semifinalists in which they hold group interviews, from that they pick 39 (weird number) who will go off and study about a given subject with professors, do research, go on trips. It is a very well established program. Last year's topic was Africa. The other kids who were there for interviews did not come at all from my area (Hudson County), they all came around Princeton area. Two of my classmates applied for the program along with me. One of them got rejected right of the bat, the other was accepted and attended. </p>

<p>I would not just go to this program just because it looks good for college. If you like the program, go for it! Good luck!</p>

<p>I was nominated and chose not to apply; it wasn't something I was interested in. But from what I hear it's pretty prestigious.</p>

<p>Was anyone in this program last year? How was it? What was the topic? I’m thinking about applying this year.</p>