<p>Let's talk about TOEFL.
Previously CCers have simply mentioned, "get any grammer book", "study SAT2 Writing and you are set", or "TOEFL is a piece of a cake."
but if one(like me!) gotta take TOEFL, and wanna do well on TOEFL, why not get a book for it, and study it. who wanna study/prep for something else and take TOEFL.</p>
<p>although i've neither taken TOEFL before nor done preparation for it, i want to get upper 200, perhaps near 300. (CBT)
i will take TOEFL soon, perhaps in 2 weeks or so.
tell me any decent book for TOEFL, or suggestion how to prepare for TOEFL..</p>
<p>p.s : how does top engineering school look upon TOEFL ? (Compare to SAT1 verbal or SAT2 writing)</p>