<p>Always so helpful Maple :P</p>
<p>I’m currently stuffing it back in, but it’s taking a ridiculous amount of time. I’ll just wear it stringless.</p>
<p>Always so helpful Maple :P</p>
<p>I’m currently stuffing it back in, but it’s taking a ridiculous amount of time. I’ll just wear it stringless.</p>
<p>You need to identify the root cause of your misery. As soon as you do that, then you can progress. Do you know what is initiating it?</p>
<p>haha the root cause of misery… you’re really starting to sound professional
<p>^^it always starts with childhood.</p>
<p>Especially in movies</p>
<p><em>~8 segundos :P~</em></p>
<p>Well, as soon as she specifies the cause, we can provide further assistance.</p>
<p>[montage]Mother and Father: here Maple. Why don’t you read these AOM posts while you wait[/montage]</p>
<p>Do I have to have Firefox as my default browser in order to obtain the blocking program?</p>
<p>someone started a rumor that i like a person [who i do not like. hes been nice as a friend. but im not in love with him, or anything near that]. and now he always gives me this “immaplayerandiknowimtoogoodforyoubutillsmileforyoucauseuhaveacrushonmehahaimsuchajock” kinda thing. UGH.</p>
<p>how do i get the msg to him? he was nice as an … associate… i suppose. all we ever talked bout was grades.</p>
<p>Did you talk to him?</p>
<p>I’d suggest that you converse with him and explain your feelings towards him.</p>
<p>no. i’ve been ignoring.</p>
<p>i dont want to talk. i dont want to give in… cause i dont have a crush on him!</p>
<p>No, I think that you should converse with him. Elaborate on that fact that you don’t like him in that way.</p>
<p>but he hasn’t said it aloud yet. so i dont know for sure if he thinks i have a crush on him. </p>
<p>so it would look really stupid if i brought it up first right? </p>
<p>i just want to disappear</p>
<p>well i thought over it for a sec, and i might do some hinting of “go away i dont like you”</p>
<p>but anyways thanks for the advice. feels nice to let it out to someone. =]</p>
<p>I went to other forums and I want to reply to become a junior member; however, all the threads in other forums are so idiotic. People are asking common sense questions. =[</p>
<p>Maybe you could discuss other individuals that you do like with him? That would portray that you don’t acknowledge him in that way.</p>
<p>You could ask them to join our CCism group lol</p>
<p>I know! It’s so hard! There are people that joined in like October with 400 posts somehow</p>
<p>LOL NO. i have barely told anyone who i have a crush on. </p>
<p>unfortunately, mr.cheesy smile-and-oops-i-accidentally-stuck-your-brand-new-pen-in-my-shirt-when-i-borrowed-it has a pretty big mouth when it comes to gossip</p>
<p>**im a pretty religious person, so the fact that i have a crush on someone would come as a huge shocker. so im pretty sure im going to keep that cute,lil fact to myself. </p>
<p>hmmm… maybe i could eat garlic one day to make him go away? i dunno =S </p>
<p>^^LOL. yes. maybe i will ask them to join CC. great idea ;D</p>
<p>That’s understandable. I typically don’t discuss that aspect with anyone aside from myself.</p>
<p>Haha, that could work. Well, if he ever portrays some indication of liking you as more than a friend, you can confront him about it. Enjoy the friendship for what it is though. He may just regard you as a friend.</p>
<p>Ok. Well, its second semester of senior year, so I just have to truck through it somehow, I guess. I just hope things stop being so stupidly awkward, and things could go back to the way they were before the stupid rumor.</p>
<p>Hehe… well thank you, thank you Wartsandall, I think you’d make a pretty awesome counselor. =D</p>
<p>Haha, thanks:)</p>
<p>Hopefully you are enabled to resolve the problem.</p>