The Official "I Got In!" Thread

<p>Wait, never mind, there are tons of people here not from Wisconsin or Minnesota...Kentucky isn't far away at all! Please pardon my distorted view of applicant diversity and geography.</p>

<p>im from ohio, what part of kentucky ru from, we might have the same counselor</p>

<p>I'm from Morehead, which is Eastern Kentucky-ish. Where in Ohio are you from?</p>

<p>i was accepted monday! :D
first college i was accepted to i was excited about</p>

<p>[[oh, and for someone else i just saw posting.. im from ohio too!]]</p>

<p>hmmm...i guess they put up admission every day..not like specific day...</p>

<p>jelf: dayton
khans: when did you apply?</p>

<p>Oct 31st... took fooorevvver for them to make a decision!</p>

<p>Just got in today :)</p>

<p>1420/2100 SAT
32 ACT
VERY competetive public school
OOS (Illinois)</p>


<p>when did you apply???</p>

<p>It suprising how everyone in this site is top 10%, SAT1400+/2000+ or ACT 30+..I wonder where all the other students that UW accepts go..Weird hehe. My Stats are UW gpa 3.2, SAT V590 M790 W500, ACT 26( M36, ENGLISH 20) and yes I got in. Class Rank top 50%? out of 1200 seniors..</p>

<p>Yes! Finally!<br>
My stats:
GPA: 3.75, (now 3.87)
Class rank: 14% (now 7%)
ACT: 32
Ton of ec's</p>

<p>I got in today!!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.55 UW (with HUGE upward trend)
ACT: 33 (11 writing)</p>

<p>2 good rec's
2 good essays</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: choral music accomplishments, theater, National Honor Society, I have a job downtown during the summer</p>


<p>I think I want to live in Shlicter Cole or Sullivan if I don't get into Liz Waters (which i probably won't)</p>

<p>dodo--whis is it ?
so much better than me... </p>


<p>[ *] SAT I (by section): M800/CR540/W580(I do feel bad)
[ *] SAT IIs: Math IIC 680 Math IC 770 Chemistry 650 Chinese 800
[ *] GPA, Weighted and Unweighted: 3.5
[ *] ECs listed on app:Mediocre
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Restaurants all 4 yrs, immigration departments, local airline office.
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): pretty good
[ *] Teacher Recs: good
[ *] Counselor Rec: good
[ *] State or Country: newyork
[ *] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available)rank 39th national
[ *] Ethnicity: Chinese
[ *] Gender:M</p>

<p>Congrats to the recently accepted applicants!</p>

<p>You guys that got in recently... will we have housing? Housing is limited and it's Feb already.</p>

<p>I think they are way behind in accepts so just get it in ASAP.</p>

<p>They won't assign housing- a lottery system to determine the order of who gets their top choice- until May so you don't need to worry as long as you get your contract in by the time limit stated on the material sent to you (typically around two weeks after you receive it).</p>

<p>I'm not sure when I got in, just checked online today. I got my transcript there less than 3 weeks ago.</p>

<p>OOS, CA.
1950 SAT
4.1 GPA
congressional intern, national awards... etc.</p>

<p>I think I need to visit. I decided to apply for the hell of it, but with my ED rejection, you never know. Is Tulane better than UW, they gave me a nice scholarship.</p>

<p>Oops, forgot to post when I applied.</p>

<p>I sent in my app on Dec. 16 and got my announcement Feb. 7. In short: UW let me know MONTHS before all my stupid Apr. 1 announcement deadlines.</p>

I got into Tulane with the max scholarship and honors program. I turned it down for Madison. Madison is better in my view but if you want architecture, go to Tulane.</p>