The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

starting the applications process late is a great idea, i tried to tell myself. i’ve been trying to get in contact with the interviewer to schedule a time, and she hasn’t responded. it’s been three days, and i’m a little worried :confused: i emailed her and left voicemails on home + cell phone. should i follow up? for reference i’m only applying to exeter

@egnatius remember that the AO might still be on break! Boarding schools have long winter breaks, and she’ll probably respond to you in a few days. If she doesn’t respond by Wednesday, then try emailing or calling her again, but for now you should let it sit.

@doddsie15 thanks! this whole process is making me very nervous, so i just get really jittery when i don’t receive an immediate response.

To quote David Zipple and Alan Menkin, ala “Hercules”… these inspiring words can also “apply to applying” to BS. Good luck and keep positive thoughts in your heart…as in all great endeavors, it’s about the journey not the destination.

“I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a hero’s welcome would be waiting for me
Where the crowds would cheer (ok AO’s), when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying this is where I’m meant to be

I’ll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way if I can be strong
I know every mile would be worth my while
When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong

And I won’t look back, I can go the distance
And I’ll stay on track, no I won’t accept defeat
It’s an uphill slope
But I won’t loose hope, ‘till I go the distance
And my journey is complete.

:heart: Alan Menken

God, I love Andover. They sent me an email today with all of their technological opportunities because I mentioned my “strong interest” during my interview. It seems so cool.

@CavsFan2003 that’s really nice! (and shows the the interviewer actually cared at least a little!) good luck, and i hope you get in.

“only” 9 weeks left until M10. let’s hope that only good things happen between now and then.

@CavsFan2003 What’s your top choice?

@YoungThriver A tie between Choate and Andover!

Choate is also my top choice! as you can tell by my username :smiley:

@ilovechoateeeee lol

okay but for real though, I didn’t really connect with the campus on my school visit. i didn’t like the intersection and how the library was set up. and some of the students looked kind of judgy. Choate is the perfect school for me on paper but i feel like it might not be a fit for me in real life. i would still choose Choate even if i got into all the other schools because Choate is the only boarding school i’m applying to.

@ilovechoateeeee What do u mean by the intersection?

In my opinion, Choate seemed the chillest and nicest of what I’ve toured, but we definitely could’ve had different experiences. I wouldn’t force yourself to attend because it’s a boarding school, though.

My Exeter tour didn’t have the intense atmosphere that I thought it would have.

@CavsFan2003 You know how the campus was split into fourths by the 2 roads?

These past weeks all I’ve been thinking about are March 10 and February 16. I have such a hard time sleeping to the point where I have to take sleeping pills or else it will take me an hour and a half to fall asleep :frowning:

I just got my Character skills snapshot back. I don’t have any areas that are demonstrating… but thank god I don’t have to send it to my top choices

Try to get a handle on school culture. It will affect whether you thrive there and are happy much more than impressive facilities or course offerings.

Some schools still feel quite preppy, which can be charming, off putting, or familiar depending on your background and outlook.

Some school cultures can feel very socially competitive with an emphasis on status and wealth. Some kids and families find that motivating while others might worry that kids will feel overly entitled … or like outsiders.

There are schools where kids seem very sophisticated and wordly (maybe even jaded) and it is cool to be cynical … and schools where kids’ openly express enthusiasm without an ounce of irony.

At some schools quirkiness is embraced and at others it is deemed weird. Some schools give kids lots of autonomy and freedom, and others provide more structure.

Some schools defy any of these generalizations because they have groups or cliques with different values and cultures. There may be lots of mixing and cross pollination or very little…

Once you’ve gotten beyond analyzing and comparing the academic offerings and admiring the facilities, try to get a sense of the schools’ cultures. There are no good or bad cultures necessarily… but there may be ones where you are more likely to thrive and become the kind of person you aspire to be… and ones where you may feel uncomfortable or develop traits or attitudes that might not align with your current values (which can be both good or bad, depending…)

I’m so happy, feeling so good about my applications. I’ve done a couple things I get to update my schools for, my essays have been revised by college friends, my teachers are finishing their recs, and I’m at a 4.0W/3.93UW, better than the 3.98W/3.90UW I thought I’d have! Obviously not a big difference but I’m happy about it. I hope I get into just one school.

@ilovechoateeeee I got developing for all of them. It’s a boring graph.