The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@TheHappinessFund TWO?!?

My gods, I am crying now.
On Gateway, EACH school (There’s 5) are at least 5 short answers questions AND an essay.
Not counting the 6 from SAO there are at least 10+ essays/short answers smh.

@Mercurrii HOLY-- why? No, how?
That’s insane, I now have an i n t e n s e appreciation for ABC.
At least the AO’s will know you better as a student? Two essays is way less info,

@TheHappinessFund @Mercurrii

I’m applying to 13 schools, and I have seven essays in all to do(7 of the schools are on SAO, 6 on Gateway).

But the short answers omg there’s so many. EVery school wants like 5 with a 250 word limit.

@TheHappinessFund you have more confidence in me than i do in myself!

But i think that as a whole, you’re a better candidate.
Honestly, you’re gonna have hard time deciding between all those good schools (:

it would be so crazy if someone you met on CC ended up going to the same school as you… but highly unlikely

The upside is that many of the essays are repetitive conceptually. The main idea is the same and you just need to tailor it for the school. So unique essays may be fewer. But still it is a long slog if you are doing multiple schools. I cannot imagine doing 13 schools @ens2006. DS is doing 7 schools and that is a handful.

@ens2006 You have no reason to lack confidence!! You’re amazing in EC’s and academics. I’d be (extremely) lucky to get into my top choice school, let alone any at all.
Also, 13 schools? Holy cow! I haven’t gotten my referral list back from ABC yet (I’m honestly freaking out for November 15th), but I’m pretty sure that the most I’ll get is around 10. And you’ve gotta do all those extra essays, too.

also, @IntTraveller, what school(s) is your kid looking at right now? I’m trying to gather an understanding of the schools that most CC kids are applying to.
Also, if you don’t mind, what does DS mean? I’ve seen that acronym thrown around a bunch, and I’ve guessed that it means daughter, maybe? But I’m unsure,

DS = Dear Son

DD means Dear Daughter

@TheHappinessFund I’m applying to every TSAO school except for Hill and I’m also applying to Peddie, Mercersburg, Suffield, and Williston Northampton. I just really want to go to BS and a lot of schools have the common app on Gateway so I was like whatever I’ll just add Taft and a few others.

@TheHappinessFund it’s not that big of a deal. every school has the essay “who is your greatest influence” which i’m picking and i think only maybe one or two has a different one.


@TheHappinessFund Yeah, I was gonna apply to 12 schools, then realized how I would literally be dying from stress like earlier in the year cough cough so I cut it down to 8 for mental health.


@ens2006 Honestly though I think I’m gonna try and avoid that prompt as much as I can because it’s so…generic? like I wanna stand out y’ know so

I just cranked out another 2 short answers with the help of a Starbucks refresher we ain’t getting sleep tonight

it doesn’t matter I’m going to school late tomorrow anyways oops

@Mercurrii I just don’t like how everything is so formal at Hill. Like I was actually considering not applying to Deerfield bc of the dress code and it’s WAYY more casual than Hill. When i saw pics of Hill kids at a football game really wearing grandma sweaters and suits i just recoiled.

Not just dress code just like how they’re so traditional also. I was reading the viewbook and looking at pictures and videos and I kept going “ew”

ngl, if they were on SAO i would apply

@ens2006 it’s okay. I actually thought that too until I had my interview then it changed a lot for me aha. And I mean it’s certainly an “authentic boarding experience” if you could call it that, lol.

IDK like since I wanna be a lawyer or be in business I have to dress like that anyway? and wearing a suit isn’t that bad in my mind tbh.

I decided not to apply to Deerfield though, I heard enough shade about it to decide it wasn’t for me.

@Mercurrii ok, ok funnnyyy story. Just found out Hill was on SAO and I’m applying hahaha hate myself.

@Mercurrii heard stuff about DA too, but i’ll find out when i revisit (if i even get in).\

I’m a STEM kid but I actually want to be a lawyer when i grow up too.

@ens2006 I’m crying laughing.

Are you really sure though hun? like what if, WHAT IF, M10 arrives and it’s the ONLY school you get into-

like I cut off 6 SCHOOLS, SIX, cuz the admissions team were being really bad or they just ended up not having what I was looking for. That being said, do apply! You never know :slight_smile: