The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

Oh wait, nevermind, I found it

@mondaydevil You mean the one from mometrix?

CC has been dead lately, so I thought I would attempt to bring it back to life for a bit! so, how’s everyone on their apps so far? I’m pretty sure that it’s thanksgiving break for most, if not all of us. and so it’s a great time to do your essays. Here are some of the things I’ve done in the past week/will do over thanksgiving with BS :0

essay noises

Did my Exeter interview sat and attended an event! (it went well IMO but we’ll see ahahahhaha)

Peddie girl? yall remember her? yeah I’m going to her house tomorrow and we’re baking something I think idk but Imma ask her Q’s about BS and stuff since, well, she did get in. :slight_smile:

I have my Andover interview day before thanksgiving! it’s? a video? with alumni? but it’s coolio since she’s in law and I wanna be a lawyer, hopefully, it goes well!

actually not eating at thanksgiving because of anxiety about SSAT scores coming out even though I’m positive they’ll come out Tues/Weds.

and most importantly figure out the influence essay lol I’ve cried over that essay for a week help me-

oh, and Hill sent me some pretty cool people to connect with, one’s a parent and another a junior so I’ll email them and get in touch!

@Mercurrii That sounds awesome!! Good luck on your Andover interview

fun times. my fbi agent is watching me stress over having not started a n y of my required Cate essays??? (Where is my place?? Do i have a place? Idk,)
Also, I’m applying to a cow farm school called Putney, and they need a supplemental that still has not been sent to me, which is another thing to stress about! :))

@TheHappinessFund Ah yes, our favorite FBI agent. Perhaps you could speak directly into the phone for Putney’s supplementals, they’re always listening, after all. :wink:

@ all Cate applicants last year- WHERE IS YOUR PLACE?

Don’t stress tho, maybe there was a mailing issue? technology is quite tricky or they might’ve just forgotten so I’d shoot an email just in case. you can’t just assume stuff with these schools dude, personal experience.


yes I can’t seem to find?? Any Cate students? There are a few thacher/cate parents, though.
Also, for some reason Putney seems pretty cool? Idk, they’ve got a good art program. But they’re in vErmONt, and I am not good with cold lol.



Congrats on your interview!
Still waiting over here for scores…

@Mercurrii How did it go?

@Calliemomofgirls Dang, that is so weird. What did the SSAT people say?

I also did a Google search for what could have been the reason if this was an SAT and they said:
"Some reasons scores may be delayed:

  • You took a makeup test later than the actual test day.
  • Your answer sheet was received late.
  • Your answer sheet is missing information.
  • Your answer sheet information is inconsistent with your registration information.
  • An irregularity was reported at your test site."

I’m guessing it probably wasn’t 1 - 4, so do you know if something happened at your test site?

SSAT folks said it’s normal that scores roll out over the whole day. (But the first guy I got said at first it was odd we hadn’t gotten scores yet and then out me on hold to check into it, which leads me to believe that rolling out scores all day isn’t really the norm because otherwise wouldn’t he have had that answer all ready to go? Instead he seemed stumped too.)
I’m wondering if there was an issue at the testing site or something too. We don’t know anyone who took it there since we had to go out of town to take it.

I’m kinda annoyed because I got my SSAT score yesterday and was really happy, but now my dad says it’s not that good because I did not study at all. He says I could of done so much better. A 99TH PERCENTILE 3352!!

@southernboyal34 Dang, that sucks. Trust me, that’s a really, really good score. I would tell you to not listen to your dad, but I feel like I’m not in the place to say that. I saw from your profile that you’re from India? A lot of the time parents who didn’t grow up in America don’t understand how well their children are doing in the American education system because of how high the expectations are back in whatever country they’re from. My parents grew up in Korea, where pretty much everyone is a workaholic. So, naturally, they’re going to have high expectations of me. Over time, they just kind of got more chill and it’s all good now. Try talking to your dad and try to make him understand.

Yeah ikr. but now its more like “you do so good without any work imagine how good you could do if you studied.” Anyway he now agrees its a great score

Do you think I could write about having a congenital cataract in my eye for the essays that ask about a setback you overcame?

@southernboyal34 If I’m being honest, I have no idea what that is, but I think anything goes as long as you write it well.

yall what did you put for your essays talking about challenges? also if anyone wants to essay swap at some point in the future im down

their essay topics are just chefs kiss
i haven’t even visited yet but i just love their vibe from their website and stuff aaaaAAAA