The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

i just submitted my SAO common app! i have gateway stuff that i’m submitting soon. i haven’t even written my exeter essay, i’m definitely not getting in.

anyways, i hope you guys are doing well!

Ace. Bby. You’re golden! You are very intelligent, and I’m sure your application will be great!
It’s fine to freak a little. Still, I’d like to offer a vEry HelPfUL calmdown technique:
Chomp some ice.
Not too much, because obviously you still want to have some teeth but…
idk it calms me down.

@TheHappinessFund I’ll definitely try that if I find ice, because I’m not sure we have ice during the summer.

Also carbonmade says i have to pay to go live with my portfolio. Tips?

Anyone nervous to turn in their application, go back, and realize you made an error? I really hope that doesn’t happen… I’m trying to revise my essays over and over…

@idknanmolla_ first of all your username lmaooo are you korean or is that a reference to a kpop lyric lol

second of all, i did that already… an example of what i did “anoverview” instead of “an overview” im screwed

also if anyone wants to start a google hangouts groupchat (im gonna be logging out until march) my emails

not my real email btw, just the one i use for strangers on the internet

@mondaydevil haha yea BTS’s Fake Love- it’s one of RM’s lyrics ?
Also, oof, I don’t think that will affect it that much if the rest of you’re essay’s good tho so I’m gonna try not to stress… Anyone confused about the multimedia thing? I’m just gonna record a video of me playing the flute and post on youtube and give them that link but I’m not sure…

Lmao I already submitted my essays but I already found like a ton of errors after. I’m not sweating it (am definitely sweating) in the hopes that the rough version sounds more authentic, more me. (UHhHHHhHH)
It’s fine because I can fix the essays I haven’t yet submitted. Yesterday I had my interview for another school and it was so fun. He and I got along so well.

I actually had to pay for Carbonmade. I kinda feel robbed but to be honest, I won’t keep it online for long (until March) so I’m not deeply stressed about it.

wow, kinda sucks that you guys have to pay to submit a portfolio. There are tons of free portfolio websites, so i don’t understand why they couldn’t have used one of those.
Also, my grade is already writing our yearbook reflections? We’ve all only got 5 months left in middle school ahhh.

also, I’m finally done with everything in the app process. yay.

@SolarJ We only got to read out DS essays after he submitted them and found a lot of mistakes, that didn’t hurt his chances as he got into many of the acronym schools.

Is anyone else having a problem with Gateway loading slowly or not at all? Does this happen every year on 1/13-15? I should have completed the parent statements earlier. Yikes! Sweating!

I had no problems last night…but I haven’t put in my parent statements yet either, so YIKES. Gosh I hope there isn’t a problem!

I’m done, but yeah, Carbonmade is a B-

I just think that like my words could’ve been phrased better, but I’m happy with most of my essays. Turning my portfolio in later though.

Woah do you guys not have school or something???

@idknanmolla_ Im guessing different time zones?

oh right I forgot about that

Anyone here from TN?

@idknanmolla_ iḿ from Orlando. there´s barely any ppl from the southern-ish states on CC.