The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@iusedtobesmart BTW, I agreed because I empathize, not because I agree with your self-depricating prediction. Rather, I worry that my ignorance and deficiencies negatively affected my child’s application.

@peachysoo @SolarJ Thank you for your reply. Yes, I’m using the Gateway system and I have also received emails saying my application was completed. So that means I don’t need to worry about it.

There’s only one month until M10!! What have you guys been doing to wait?

@Jessica718 We used that second form because my DD attended more than one school in middle school and you can’t send the same form to two different email addresses. I would imagine if you only attended one school that you wouldn’t have any use for the second transcript button.

Playing games and reading books, while trying out new hobbies.

Honestly I’m quite busy with sports. When I get time I read.

I’m curious to where everyone thinks that they will get in?

Don’t really want to jinx anything and get in an awkward situation, haha. I’m just hoping for acceptable results from all the schools and looking to build off my goals depending on which school I get into. I’m really excited with the thought that members of this thread could become our potential classmates and friends; fingers crossed for everybody!

@SolarJ My fingers are crossed we get into schools we want as well!! What new hobbies have you been trying out?

oooooooh @mondaydevil okay so i did embroidery but then i showed thea and now shes hooked too you’re welcome.

hmmm, my art class is doing a sculpture thing and me n my bsfs (who im shopping w today) r all gon make a big high tea tiered dessert thing so thats fun.

What about y’all?

@mondaydevil and also @Mercurrii
This is like, the busiest time of year at my school, so I’ve had plenty of distractions lol. We’ve got science fair in half a month which is f u n . (I haven’t even started calculations yet-- oop)
Been trying to do more art, but like
where does the time go?? idk

@SolarJ I feel you can never really know where you will get accepted.
Imagine if someone you met on this thread becomes you best friend in school. That would be awesome and hilarious at the same time.
@TheHappinessFund I believe you were the person that asked about the science fair a while ago.
How is that going?
What did you decide to do it on?

Yesterday, I got an email saying I was a finalist for the Greene Scholarship for St. Paul’s.

I’m hoping this means I got in, but I don’t know. I have an interview on the 22nd for it.

@southernboyal34 WHOO!!! I’m so happy 4 u! SPS is my dream school ahahah. hopefully i’ll get in?

also, on a deeper topic. Because of the coronavirus, my mom’s saying that maybe the schools aren’t gonna consider as many if theyre considering any apps from china. what’s y’alls opinion on that?

I thought about that for a while too; but if so, they’ll have to neglect many from other neighboring countries. If there isn’t a vaccine or a solution to the virus until around August, I’m pretty sure there’ll be a protocol that they should go by.
I don’t know, but if by chance there aren’t many Chinese accepted applicants, maybe the virus has a little something to do with it?

@Mercurrii @SolarJ I don’t think that will happen. Even if there’s no vaccine yet by summer the warmer weather will curb the virus from spreading. By September everyone will most probably be fine. I don’t think it’ll affect decisions, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

@southernboyal34 I also applied to sps. I am so happy for you.

If they are considering you for the scholarship, even if you don’t get it they probably still want you to go there. So you will probably get in. I have my fingers crossed that you get the scholarship.

Every Alabama student who is admitted to SPS gets invited to interview for the Greene Scholarship. An invitation to interview for the Greene means that you’re accepted to SPS. I know two other kids who were invited to interview=accepted to SPS. BTW, my DD is a Greene Scholar so let me know if you have questions. Good luck next Saturday!

I mean who were invited/accepted this year, just as you.

Thank you!!

@GoatMama I have a couple questions:

When do they announce who received the scholarship?
How much does financial necessity affect who receives the scholarship?
What exactly does the scholarship pay for?

I hear this term a lot, but what does “DD” mean?

@southernboyal34 DD = dear daughter