The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@southernboyal34 Also-- Congrats on the potential scholarship!!!

Some info from the SPS website:

Congrats!! We have our fingers crossed for an SPS acceptance as well!

Hey did anyone else receive a packet for Choate summer the past few days? we just got ours today IDK what to think eeee

like I wanna app for the Kennedy government program but it looks so e x p e n s i v e n my parents will prolly say no welp

@Mercurrii We too received the Choate summer pack and it went straight to the bin.

The way we figure. If DS gets it, he will be away for 4 years so may as well enjoy the summer with him now rather than a summer academic program in another BS.

If he doesn’t get in, he could do something else, as Choate is not his #1 choice anyway.

I don’t think it means anything regarding acceptances/rejection.

Just a few weeks more!

From the SPS website:

All St. Paul’s School applicants who live in Alabama will be considered for the Greene Scholarship. There is no separate application process. The St. Paul’s School admission office will select finalists for the Greene Scholarship. Finalists are interviewed in early March by the members of the Scholarship’s Board of Trustees, and the winner is selected shortly after the interview process. Applicants are notified about admission to the School on March 10.

The Greene Scholarship provides full tuition and fees for each year of attendance at the School. The Greene Scholarship is designed to insure a complete student experience and thus provides additional financial assistance toward the following: Travel to and from the School; The purchase of a computer; Fees related to the college application process.

Preference will be given to families demonstrating financial need.

@Calliemomofgirls Thank you !

Is it true that Taft sends out notifications early?? My nephew got his acceptance on Friday, March 8th last year…not sure if that was a fluke or a trend.

My daughter also received the Choate summer packet. I think we’d only look into one of the programs if she is accepted and chooses to go there. But I’m also happy to have her home for the whole summer to soak up every last minute with her!

Feeling incredibly anxious about M10 but trying not to let my daughter know how nervous I am!!

Summer packets go out to lots of students. We got summer packets from schools we did not even apply to. I think we got on a Ten Schools mailing list. We still get summer packets from Choate, L’Ville and Taft.

@cityran If your daughter does get in and chooses to go, I’d recommend the summer program. Nice way to meet some faculty that teach at Choate along with some students that will be attending (specifically Icahn Scholars and a lot of NJ/NY prep scholars). I went last summer and it was quite a bit of fun.

@cityran schools adjusted notifications last year because M10 was on a Sunday. I don’t think they will adjust them this year.

Oh, this is nice! Glad I found you all out here…

How did your interview go, @southernboyal34?

@Mercurrii I’m a Chinese applicant, so hopefully that doesn’t happen haha. To be honest, things aren’t too bad and should be cleared up by August/September. If the coronavirus does affect some decisions though, it’s a big oof :,)

@Mercurrii yeah I got that packet too! The gov program sounds so great, but i’ve already got a summer program for this year that’s like, wayyy cheaper lol. Plus, if i do end up going to BS, it’d probably be best to stay local for the summer.

Hey @skieurope dumb question but will there be those acceptions/stats/ECs this year?

I would assume so, but I’m not the one who generally starts it.

I’m not sure if this is the place to do it (still kinda new to all this,) but what are the chances of getting accepted to a school with people you know if you’re all of the same ethnicity and applying from the same city? Or chances of getting accepted with someone from the same school? Something I’ve always been curious about lol.

Honestly I’m not an AO so I have no idea. It might depend on if you do the same activities and get the same grades.

Interesting question though

It really depends. There are several “groups” of kids at my kids school who came from the same middle school. I think it really depends but applying to the same school as your friends does NOT mean that only one of you will get in.

I’m curious, did anyone receive any invitations from schools to attend plays or winter recitals? We have friends going through the process this year and they haven’t received anything yet.