The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread


If I remember correctly (for my older it seems so very long ago) both my kids got all their emails very early in the morning. I remember my son had a tournament and was up early to get to an 8am game and he knew as he was walking out the door.

While we’re on the topic of emails coming out, would anyone have knowledge if these schools (specifically Peddie) send out these emails to both the student and parent’s accounts? Additionally, does anyone know what time Lawrenceville posts admission results on their portal? Thanks!

I do have school on that day, so I’m thinking I should go to school and after, I skip all my after-school activities to open my mail.

Quick question: The schools I’m applying to said that they’ll email me a link of their portal to access my decisions before M10. When do they usually send them? A week prior?

@SolarJ some will wait until just a few days before M10 to send those links, so be patient. Just when you panic and think they forgot about you or the email went to the wrong person, it will show up. One of DSs schools sent the link email literally on M9

I have huge exams that day, so I’ll go to the bathrooms and check my email. I know all of the letters are gonna be rejections so I kind of dealt with it already.

I also remember (and maybe I’m totally wrong??) but I feel like we were notified in multiple ways. Like I could check the portal at 5am but we also got an email with acceptance and then we also got a letter. In fact I’m sure we also got a letter.

But good luck y’all! I’m sure you’re all wonderful people and deserve to go to these amazing schools ?

I’m lucky I only have two classes on Tuesday, so I’ll continue to check emails/portals during my free periods.

And as March approaches, I think the schools tell you when the results are coming out. Like, Groton is 5 pm I think?

Are any of the other schools evening notifications? Groton didn’t make my son’s final list but I was assuming that all of the other East Coast schools would have posted decisions by the time we got up here in Cali.

@CrimsonWife Hotchkiss is 5pm

Hotchkiss blew me off multiple times when I tried to arrange an interview for my son so it didn’t make the final list either. No need to waste time or money on a school that clearly isn’t interested in him when we had other good schools contacting us unsolicited to offer interview invites.

IIRC, when kiddo applied, Cate’s was posted at midnight Pacific time, so before the East Coast schools. Most of the schools kiddo applied to posted some time later in the morning. There was one we had to wait on until the afternoon, but I don’t remember which one. Maybe NMH?

Hi all!

I was curious about when decisions come out for certain schools because I couldn’t find anything on the websites.

Does anyone know what times Choate, Deerfield, and Peddie decisions are posted? (In EST) Thanks (:

Deerfield is between 6:30-8 am

Might I suggest that someone start a separate Decision Notification Date/Time thread instead of it getting lost in here?

This is last year’s thread:

Thanks, @skieurope . I was wondering if that might be a better option. I have to drive for a while, so if some one else wants to take the reins…? Otherwise, I will try to do it tonight (PST).

@LeeLeeB I’m taking care of the thread now!

@skieurope Can you sticky the thread when I post it?


The link is up!

Thank you @2024ac ! I really appreciate it!!