The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

If M10 is the announcement date, then when do the schools really finalize their decisions and start their processing (i.e., preparing the Fedex packages, uploading the names on the system, etc)? M3, M4, M5?

Last year coaches knew a week before which kids had been accepted. There might be late additions of course, but that’s a general guide.

FWIW - during the past few years, more acceptances we know about have been via online portals. The FedEx/UPS/USPS packages might come later in the day or even later in the week. SPS’s package came about a week after acceptance. DA came that afternoon of March 10. Hotchkiss a couple of days later (M&M’s, yay), other schools came a day or so later. I am telling you this BECAUSE some parents might be checking to see if they get FedEx & UPS notices - don’t freak out and also USPS doesn’t do advance notices do they?

Most importantly: Parents PLEASE check your anxiety/excitement at the door. Be mindful of how your anxiety/excitement/anticipation/neuroticism will impact your child between now and March 10th. Do not add fuel to the fire of your kiddo’s stress level. Your kiddo will be looking at your face and your reaction to the rejections & wait lists & acceptances.

My advice (ala The Godfather) be more like Michael (calm, not emotional) and not like Sonny (a Hot Head).?

USPS does “informed delivery” but it is glitchy at best and I would not use it to predict anything!

I think signing up for those advanced notice things are the worst M10 mistake. Just creates anxiety!

@Golfgr8 : thank you for the wise advice. I am getting stressed and showing some on here, but I try not to show my child at all. I will remember to even remove that stressed energy from this place, because there are lots of applicants here and I don’t want to increase their stress…

So, less CC for me for a bit now, and more of my Feb 15- M10 “I’m gonna watch (or rewatch) every Matt Damon movie ever made” plan to keep distractions high & gets the days moving more quickly! :smile: Interstellar and Saving Private Ryan are in the can.

Our applicant DS doesn’t seem to stressed. He’s having some downtime post-applications, with lots of extra after school hangouts with friends & some sleepovers (a happy coincidence of being off all last week, plus two sports/activities are done/breaking right now).

Thanks again for the reminder to chill.

I’m doing a Matt-Damon-a-thon to pass the time. Anyone else doing a movie-star-a-thon to pass their time? Whose films are you bingeing?

I am! Except it’s more of a genre and video game binge. My DD is a HUGE fan of horror and some drama movies. Me not so much but for her, I will suffer through the nightmares lol. Room and all 3 IT films have been completed as well as The Last of Us on her PS4. I now know I most definitely do not have an alternate career in esports, but my DD might be a good marksman one day.

Waaayyy to scary for me!!!

I totally understand, and until I played video games with her, I never realized how violent they are.

I’m reading Moby Dick. That’s violent enough.

I’m definitely more worried about M10 than my kid.

And of course, unless and until the kid is accepted somewhere and we commit, I’m going through the motions of going to orientation and informational meetings for various accelerated classes at the LPS…

I feel like my daughter, while not concerned with seeing physical violence(I’ve seen her blow off people’s heads in video games without flinching) does still understand the gravity of violence and how the cycle of violence works. She obviously doesn’t think violence is a good thing, but she doesn’t seem terribly affected by seeing it. Does anyone else see this with their kids? Do you think it’s a product of growing up in the 21st century?

I am much more stressed about M10 than my DD. I think my stress is around the not knowing and around worrying about how she’ll respond to rejection she may face. I’d be very happy to have her home another year and also very happy for her to go to boarding since she’s worked so hard for it. I keep reminding myself that kids tend to fall hard but bounce back fast. I am having trouble focusing on the LPS orientation and class selection stuff since I’m not sure we’ll need it. DS is a Freshman at LPS so I just went through all of it it a year ago.

@Meisan I totally understand, the look on my daughter’s face, when she found out she was waitlisted, hurt me. I didn’t like seeing my daughter upset, and I’m sure you don’t enjoy it either. What you said about kids bouncing back fast is also true, my daughter is back for this application cycle, and is remaining optimistic. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck on M10!

@CrackersCrayons I wish your daughter SO much luck on M10! Her resilience and willingness to try again are going to serve her well in life! I may call on you if we are in the same boat next year. I can imagine how hard it must have been to start the process over again this year. Well done both of you.

@Meisan Thank you so much, it is hard, especially applying for junior year with ASD. Your daughter sounds hard working and you sound like a great parent who supports your kid. She’s lucky to have a parent like you! Feel free to send me a message if you have questions!

Quick question because I just read about schools sending out packages a bit further up in this thread. Will they still send them if you live overseas?

@gmmnvctra I’ve heard that they mostly do; at least I hope so. Although, it’s likely to take longer for international’s to receive it, of course, so I wouldn’t really expect it to arrive exactly on M10, perhaps a day or two later.

Anyways, it feels so weird that M10 is rushing towards us at full force. J15 seems like it was just yesterday. I wish everybody, including myself, good luck for the big day.

@MKB2004 do you have any idea if they’ll still send it to me if I didn’t put in an exact address when I requested information (such as my apartment floor and block) but it’s in both my Gateway and SAO application? Thanks :slight_smile: and yeah, it’s crazy to think that March is right around the corner. Good luck!

@gmmnvctra I was an intl student applying last year, but I put both my intl address and my domestic address (since I was living here), but I only got acceptance package from one school. This might be just me but in case you don’t get any packages, don’t worry!

What’s going to happen if coronavirus hits the U.S. during revisits?