The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@student22265, the 2019-nCoV has already hit the US. There are quite a few confirmed cases already.

@MKB2004 i know, thats why im wondering whats going to happen if it spreads throughout NE

Is anybody here applying to Milton Academy??? Just wondering also, for any schools, does it mean something if you receive info pamphlets soon before decisions?

@schools1234 Hiii- I’m applying to Milton:)
I don’t think really ANYTHING given before M10 can mean much
also what do you mean by info pamphlets? are they just those things they send when you request info on their website or something else?

I’m applying to Milton too! I’m pretty sure if it’s just a general information packet or information about a summer program it has no significance other than too keep you interested…? Hope you get into Milton though!!! I found it to be a very comforting school!!

Yeah I wasn’t sure. I got one for info on a schools athletics, which I just thought would be weird to send if the person wasn’t going to be accepted. Probably doesn’t mean anything, but that’s what happens when you’re nervous?

I found it very comforting too! Good luck! Only 9 days after tonight so…:slight_smile:

we got a similar message last year and we are now a happy Lawrenceville family!

The infamous month of March has finally arrived!

Good to know!

March 1st already! I bet this week is going to pass by 10x slower than usual… I wonder if schools still make decisions even this late?

Does anyone know what it means if your interviewer reaches out to you? They just said they enjoyed my application and wish me the best, but I came from their personal email. btw I’m so scared

Oh I actually had the same thing happen with me too. I started a thread about it like a week or two ago. The replies stated that I shouldn’t look too deep into it and that it probably didn’t mean much. However, this was for Peddie, so I don’t know if this message has more of a significance for other schools.

That happened to me too! They replied later that I would have to wait until the next month to arrange an interview. By that point, I was put off. My DD took it off her list.

Which schools tend to send acceptance videos? I am currently passing time until M10 looking up past years videos.

What I can recall, SPS had really good videos - maybe they still do…you can see them via YouTube. We watched - I think the 2017 video was really good.

@cityran Ahhhhh I’m avoiding watching past acceptance videos cause I’m scared it’ll put false hope in me and get rejected anyway :,) M10 seems so far awayy

Or maybe you will be accepted and be disappointed that this year’s video was not as good?

FWIW - ENJOY the next 9 days with your family and maybe even keep a journal. After March 10tn, time seems to fly by quickly. A year from now you will be at school…walking by the admissions office and seeing the mountain of envelopes/packets waiting to be mailed. It goes very quickly!

@Golfgr8 The journal idea is pretty nifty! I’ll definitely do that.

After endless scrolling on CC and seeing all these amazing people my age or younger, I admit that any hope I had of even getting in sort of deflated ?

Yeah, this school year has gone by so fast too. It’s going to be so sad to leave the school I’ve gone to for just about ten years. If I do end up going to boarding school, the environment will be so different (at my school, the great majority of students are low income and Hispanic). Anyone else in a similar situation?