The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

An applicant is more than what they put on CC. Yes, these kids are outstanding, but they may not be a fit for a school at that particular time. They might not need a violin player that year, or maybe they simply can’t give the student the financial aid to go (this is a big reason why many amazing kids are waitlisted). This is why so many seemingly qualified applicants are rejected and waitlisted every year.

@Sleepingatlast Oh yes, I agree with that. But being an international applicant has definitely made me reconsider my chances of being accepted :slight_smile:

Also, my school environment isn’t exactly the same as yours, but I’ve studied at public/local school where I live as well, and I’ve also experienced being the speaking minority and having classmates who don’t really put too much effort into school. Boarding school would be so different from that, it’s kind of strange!

@mushpotato Oh, I see where your worries are coming from! I can’t really speak on this topic because I’m not an international student, but I do recall one of my tour guides being an amazing swimmer from China (this is kind of random lol). It’s no secret that it’s harder to get in as an international student, especially from an over represented area (I’m from Massachusetts so yikes). Still, if admissions sees you as a fit, you’re a fit!

Yeah, I would say a lot of the kids in my school don’t care about school either. I’ve never been in a truly competitive environment, so that’ll be something new! I already have a hard time talking to people, so sharing a room with a stranger may be a bit difficult to adjust to.

@Sleepingatlast Which schools are you applying to? I think some schools give each boarder a single, especially once they’re sophomore and higher. I’m apprehensive on the whole idea of a roommate too lol, there’s always a chance you don’t end up on good terms with them (yiikkkes)

@mushpotato lol at concord all the junior boys just have a single because there is enough space and no one really wanted a double except this one triple haha. usually at most schools, once you’re an upperclassman you can easily request a single most of the time.

@mushpotato I’m applying to 15 schools and most offer singles for freshmen! Unfortunately, many of my student tour guides said that there were hardly any :frowning: I think it’s pretty rare to find a school that has singles for all students. One of the schools I’m applying to is Deerfield, which you might be applying to? It only has doubles freshmen year and then it’s all singles if you’re not applying. Schools try to match you with someone, like a dating app but for a roommate lol. It may or may not work out, but if you’re really experiencing issues with roommates I wonder if they’ll let you switch during the year instead of after?

@Sleepingatlast lol is ur username a band reference?
@mushpotato oof yeah imagine being on rough terms w/ a roomate-- but idk, i am (maybe unhealthily) optimistic and idealistic, and so far i’ve been imagining a close friendship with any future roomates.
probably not realistic seeing as i am ve ry annoying-- lmao

@Sleepingatlast Deerfield’s also one of the schools I applied too! Lmao the dating app comparison sounds pretty accurate, you just have to hope their personality matches with you irl as much as it does on paper.

@TheHappinessFund Sameee, except irl any future roommates I have would probably be weirded out by my attempts at being enthusiastic and conversation-y with them lol

Just a question, does being an international student who needs financial aid worse? There are no people applying from my country or even region I think in Europe.

@fluffypancake78 I don’t think so since they don’t get funding from the US government so usually there are no differences between a US citizen and an international student

Guys I wanted to know that if an international student gets into andover, would they receive the acceptance package on M10 like US students or will they get it at a later date?

@fluffypancake78 from reading a lot of CC threads it seems that being an international applicant with FA does significantly hurt our chance of being accepted (We’re on the same boat, it seems! :()

You might be a URM though based on where you’re applying from, which could improve them slightly. Honestly it’s very scary to think about at all ahhhhh!!

Good luck to youu!!

@Muko1212 I think it will come a day or two late.

@Sleepingatlast lmao i’m responding kinda late. we’re in the same boat in regards to our school environments. most of the kids at my school are low-income minority students, and failing school is pretty normal. i’m a little scared at the prospect of attending a boarding school because of the competitive environment. oh, also i was curious where you’re from. I’m from FL (:

I’m wishing you luck on M10!

@Muko1212 We can confirm Andover sends the package by email with all the details of the offer including the FA on March 10th (at least they did last year on March 9th). However in the case of our very close friend the hard copy of his packaged arrived a few days late by mail.

@ReluctantDad ah really? Thought it would arrive on march 20 for intl too. Thanks for the info!!


8 days 8days 8 days 8 days

Does anyone know the sequence of events for an application?
For example, they first decide if you are accepted, then decide potential FA package.
I had a few schools ask for more financial info last week. Wondering if this means anything?

@schoolmom8 I think it depends on the school policy. If the school has a need-blind admission policy, they first accept you based on your academic achievements and then give out the FA. With most schools however FA is taking into consideration. If you need a lot of FA your chances can be lower than if you don’t need FA. It all depends on the policy, so I suggest finding that information on the schools website or asking the schools directly. Wishing you tons of luck on M10! ?

Thank you @ReluctantDad! Does anybody know if Phillips Exeter releases financial aid by email on M10 as well? Thanks!