The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@TheHappinessFund Yes! Perfect study and sleeping music!

@ens2006 Hi, I’m from a random city in MA and I’m only applying to New England schools! I wish the best for you too!

I wish the best for all of you, March 10th is so close I can taste it…
gets rejected/waitlisted to every school

After tomorrow, there’ll only be one week left…I’m so excited! My nerves are starting to wear down now :0 (finally). How are you guys planning to open your emails/portals?

I think I’ll open them together in the morning since all of my decisions are coming out at/before 8:00. I thought about staying home or waiting till after school to open them, but I think being at school will be a good distraction in case I don’t get any acceptances haha

I have school and coding after school on March 10 so I’ll check the emails for the ones that come out at 12am-7am and then try my best to check the rest in coding without being caught! If I get any acceptances, then I’ll sit at my mailbox while doing homework or reading hahaa

Also I just got an email about my St. Paul’s decision login info email being delayed to March 4th? Why are they apologizing for this if March 4th is well ahead of March 10th?

@Sleepingatlast I thought the exact same thing! Lots of schools still haven’t sent that email, so I didn’t consider SPS “late” at all. (I wonder if somewhere along the line they had promised a different date, so wanted to avoid a lot of “hey I didn’t get the login info as promised!” type emails?).

@Calliemomofgirls @Sleepingatlast SPS had sent an earlier comm saying that the instructions for how to login and get your decision on M10 would be shared today. The email today was saying that you now won’t get the instructions until tomorrow. Typically you have to set up a login and you don’t want to have to do that on March 10.

@Meisan That’s what I figured. Thanks for confirming!

My daughter doesn’t have classes and I think she’s going on a trip on M10. She said she didn’t want to check until she got back from school, but I think I might take a peek at them. I’m starting to have mixed feelings about allowing her to apply out. I know it’s far too late for that. I’m sure other parents can understand the feeling, we only have so much time with our babies! I’m going to take a bit of a break from the main forums and only will be responding to DMs. I wish everyone the best of luck!

I received only one mail from SPS that their login info will be shared on March 4th. But no previous email regarding that. I suspect something bad.

Did anyone receive an email with login info to a portal from Choate? They’re the only school from my list that hasn’t sent it yet.

@gmmnvctra I haven’t recieved it yet…

Does anybody know if Phillips Academy Andover has a login portal? Or do they include it with the email (or like have a followup accepted email)? Thanks!

Guys is anyone applying to andover here?? I think we should create an insta group haha

@Muko1212 I am applying to Andover too! As a Grade 10 repeat.

@ttK5050 I am not 100% sure, but from what I’ve heard and seen from the previous M10 forums, Andover seems to give the decisions on Gateway. They’ll probably send you an email with a link or something to Gateway around M9 or something like that and post their decisions there on M10.

Only one more week to go!

I think it’s been asked before here, but anyway, what are everyone’s dream schools?

@gmmnvctra I only applied to two schools; Andover and Exeter. However, if I had to do it again I would also apply to Choate, Deerfield, and Thatcher.

@Muko1212 I am!

I’m applying to Exeter, Andover and Groton as a 10th grade repeat international student. But my first choice is Exeter.