The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

I know its not a heavily discussed school but Woodberry Forrest moved up notifications to last week. My wife and I received an email from AO rep who is also a coach of DS main sport and so we met at a local establishment Friday evening and DS learned of their acceptance from the coach. It has made this weekend tolerable but still nervous as DS #1 choice is competitive academically and athletically. Keeping fingers crossed for everyone on M10!

Congrats @Calliemomofgirls and @laxgirl88888 on the good news!!

@Golfgr8 I Agee with you 100% re: Revisit Days, and that’s all good advice. Agree about BS radar :wink: We personally were never planning to go to any Revisit Day. We’ve already travelled enough to the region for the application process. I also wondered if we might get swept up in emotion on a Revisit Day & it would cloud our judgement .I did investigate when the dates were several months ago (I think kind of day-dreamily “maybe we should” “What if we could go…”) but have always known for us, we’d skip it. I posted that embarrassingly long post about Revisits as a reply to a very new CC’er who asked how the whole post M10 thing works. And I posted a few updates on cancellations because I thought people on this thread would want the info - and it is for sure wild how very different this lead up to M10 is going!

IMO Revisit Days are somewhat dog-and-pony shows (if I may be so blunt), though I respect that the schools work really hard on the events & they are very fun I bet. I’m sure if no choice is to be made & one lives in the region, a Revisit Day would be a great way to launch association with a soon-to-attend boarding school (many special memories). Maybe Revisit Days are most useful if going to boarding school is really the perfect option for a child, but either the child or the parent is a tiny bit hesitant about the whole idea (it seems Revisit Days would be great for convincing someone on the fence)? I just think that with the school putting their total best face forward, it’d be hard to get any meaningful info out of a Revisit Day, but if one aimed to do that, than following @Golfgr8 's pointers above would be the best plan to do so, for sure.

Congrats @Calliemomofgirls and @laxgirl88888 !! That’s gotta make your slide into M10 a little less stressful! What great news!!

The good news about setting the clocks forward is that we are one hour closer to decisions.

Kent is amazing! Congrats @Calliemomofgirls and @laxgirl88888 !!

Congratulations @Calliemomofgirls and @laxgirl88888 !

I just had a dream of being accepted to Milton and Deerfield and it felt so reaaallll! After being ‘accepted’, I went to school but the class was a room of tiny kids and didn’t look like a classroom in my school at all? A kid that’s in my class in real life pointed at my seat, which was already occupied by this random curly-haired toddler. The toddler stood up and I took my seat… Yeah, I don’t know if that’s when I woke up or if I just forgot what else happened!

Congratulations @D1swim2kidshoop ! A bird in hand…

Congrats to anyone that got accepted to Kent!

@Sleepingatlast What a dream!! Hoping the accepted part (but not the seat-stealing toddler!) will come true on M10!! I loved how you explained that dream :smiley:

Hope your dreams come true @Sleepingatlast ! Please let us know!

Tis the eve of the eve of M10, groggy from 1hr less of sleep, overwhelmed with coronavirus news and on pins & needles with looming M10

CONGRATULATIONS (yes i’m shouting!) to all those who received Kent acceptances… may the good news continue to flow in the upcoming days.

DD had several of her independent LPS classmates receive decisions from independent LPS late last week … there were tears of joy and sadness … I only pray we will be in the former camp soon.,

Does schools send letters/packages early for international applicants or does it typically arrive later then M10?

Hey guys, my brother is applying to Loomis. If you go to the portal then click “My Events”, it shows “Registered/Waitlisted”.

Anyone else getting this? I don’t know if he’s WL’sted or not haha.

I have now converted my mental countdown from days to hours. Lord help me.

ahhh same, but with L’ville and Choate
Also, afterward, I went skateboarding (something I’ve never done before) with my two friends from NJ while waiting for decisions from Exeter + Andover (which makes no sense since I’m pretty sure they release their results before/ at the same time as l’vill and choate)

it was wierd

@snapchat Mine is the same.

Congrats @Calliemomofgirls and @laxgirl88888 !!!
Excited and nervous for our M10 decisions.
Good luck to all!

@Snapchat - Mine shows the same. It also shows the times I officially visited the school. Is it a hint?