The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@snapchat Same for me!

My son’s Loomis portal says the same “Registered/Waitlisted” but doesn’t list the date he had his off-campus interview. Not sure whether that is a bad or neutral sign.

Well mine doesn’t show the date of my on-campus interview so I would imagine it’s nothing to worry about!

Regarding the Loomis portal: we have the same thing showing. But my understanding of the situation is a bit different perhaps.
The place where it says “registered/waitlisted” is in Events.

So think of this way: they are listing out an events you have registered for, or are waitlisted for. It does not seem to indicate in any way your status as an applicant, But rather the status of any “events” you have signed up for. (none at this time)

I think the term “waitlist” is unfortunately for us, all linked in our minds to an applicant’s status, but given the context, I really really do not think this means anything at all beyond being “waitlisted” for any events. (again, none for any of us.)

Speaking of Loomis portal though – anytime we log out, and try to log back in, we have to get reset and get a new password. If we allow it to log out, then the password does not work anymore. (We are testing to make sure we have no problems Tuesday). When we click “new password” and reset the password, we get in. But once we log out, we cannot use that new password to get in anymore and must click “reset password” again. Basically: we have to reset the password every time we log in.

Anyone else have this issue by any chance?

For the decisions thread, are we making a stats thread as well or is that both?

Am I the only one who’s kind of starting to regret perhaps unwisely applying to so few schools? ?

Hi! Great to see another international applicant in this thread. I’ve heard that schools send out letters to international applicants so that it arrives on M10, but perhaps plus or minus a few days. Good luck tomorrow! My results (PEA first) starts at 8 pm local time

Does anyone have a confirmed time for when PEA releases decisions?

@Smolderinghottea I’ve heard that it’s 6:00 AM Exeter time, though it could be sent out in batches. I’ve also heard that there will be an email that tells you your decision, and a second one if you’re accepted along the lines of “Welcome to Exeter.”

Since this is my first time applying as well, another more experienced member might amend me on some points, but I hope it helps!

Also, does anyone know whether Exeter tells you the decision in the email itself, or if they have a portal like Andover? I haven’t received anything from them of late. Thanks!

@RedLioness Wait, so decisions came out on M9 last year, not M10?

@ursulaisnotevil Yeah, a lot of schools did that because m10 was on a sunday last year

You only need 1 acceptance and just think how you’d feel if you’d applied to a large number of schools and didn’t get into ANY of them (hopefully not my son’s case but we’ll see on Tuesday).

Right now I’m just praying that I get into at least one school. I’ve applied to seven, which I think is a good amount, but I’ll need FA, and with the coronavirus situation I do think it will be harder to get FA awards! Honestly, I just need to get through Monday, because when I wake up I’ll have a good amount of my decisions. I hate being in the endgame, this has been the slowest week of my life lol. I’m also nervous about canceled Revisit Days, because I haven’t visited the campuses of 95% of the schools I’m applying to. I was hoping to rely on Revisit Day for getting a feel of the campus, as I didn’t have the time to fly out. AHHHHHH I’m nervous and excited at the same time! I should be preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, but I honestly feel that I’ve been hyping myself up about BS wayyyy too much. I want to go so bad!

@ursulaisnotevil Yeah, it’s especially terrifying for those of us whose decisions are contingent on FA!

Hopefully, the schools have been conscious with their endowment… I sure hope that it won’t meaningfully affect us, but you never know.

Good luck to you come M10!

For me it shows “You do not have any events/interviews to be displayed. Search for Events/Interviews to find and register for them” and “Registered/Waitlisted” as well.

also, just as a small side note, ill be off cc from march 10 to whenever a decision is made about where I’ll go to high school. i care about yall a little bit too much and i dont want to be biased by your acceptances. congratulations in advance to everywhere you guys get into!!

I applied to so many schools… so many to the point where it would be embarrassing to not be accepted into any! I would need full financial aid so that makes it so much worse (at least I can use it as an excuse if I’m not accepted to any school)…

@mondaydevil I 100% feel you!

Also, wouldn’t it be weird if kids from this thread went to the same school? It would honestly be pretty cool to already have a friend though!

@Sleepingatlast I think it’d be awesome to go to school with a lot of kids on this forum!! (which is why i gotta stay away)

It feels really weird; I’m not nervous on the outside and don’t get the jitters but thinking about it makes me fall into a rabbit hole of negative thoughts. I’m spending today (March 9th) relaxing and playing games.