The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@cniewinski It’s locked until tomorrow am

I took more than 3 naps today and I can say with confidence that i wiLl NoT SLEEP TONIGHT.

@SolarJ wow 3 naps. My mom and I plan on staying up till 12:00am. I struggle to stay awake past 10:00pm so hopefully I can succeed

As a quick PSA pre M10, good luck everyone! Just remember, wherever you get in, or don’t get in, you will find a place that is for you! While easier said than done, try to not get too caught up in the negatives and look forward to all the other opportunities that you have!

Also, if anyone has M10 questions on what will happen, or simply want to talk, my inbox is open :smile:

I am trying my best not to freak out that no fedex or UPS notifications have come in — I know better don’t I??? Easier said than done…

I am trying to stay busy today so I don’t constantly check my phone for ups/fedex notifications. I’m breaking my own rule by even being on here today…but I am at least relieved that there aren’t 100 posts about getting ups/fed ex notifications since we haven’t gotten any!! Off to stay busy, and prepare my “whatever happens tomorrow, I promise, everything will work out fine” speech for my daughter.

Good luck everyone!!!

I’m totally with you! The hardest day ever for me! It goes soooo slow!

I just got an alert saying that I have been accepted to Choate Summer Program! Unfortunately, I have been waitlisted for FA…

Please don’t freak out everyone! Especially if you did not get a UPS or FedEx notice. We got zippo notices ahead of time and kiddo got into all schools. So don’t freak out!!!

BTW…I am about to post my annual “Night Before March 10th” poem to calm y’all down. Peace!

@Calliemomofgirls Do you know what schools ship with FedEx/UPS? I haven’t received any notifications either.

are people opening decisions when they come in or all at once after school?

@laxgirl88888 From what I know, it varies. All my schools notify in the morning, so I’ll open them then. But others may want to open them all with their family/friends too.

Goodness me… we’re ‘danger close’ already! I don’t know about all of you, but I feel like this year has gone by fast!

Here is my annual poem to all CC members “freaking out”:

‘Twas the night before March 10th
And all through this thread
Not a “poster” was sleeping
Decisions to dread?

The applications were submitted
Essays filed away
Even this “freak out” thread isn’t keep anxiety at bay!

Thanks @sunnyschool, @buuzn03, @GoatMama and @center -
you’re the best
Your advice is well taken to “give it a rest”

To all the wise parents and students on this site,
I can’t help but worry, try as I might!

Even with UPS, FedEX and web tracking being set
No relief, even with those SSS updates and tax facts being met!

WIth mom having a night cap and dad hiding in his cave,
It’s the dream of acceptance, not junk food I crave.
March 10th is soon coming, I admit I feel blue
What decisions are pending? I have NOT a clue!

Thanks to all here on CC, as I prepare for dejection
Please be there for each other- in case of rejection!!

The schools my son has applied to are announcing throughout the day tomorrow, so I told him he could stay home ‘sick’ tomorrow if he wanted. Not something I’d normally do. But regardless of whether he gets in anywhere, he has worked his butt off, and I’m incredibly proud of him.

He’s the only one we know of at his school (public) applying to boarding schools, and he started the year very dubious of the whole idea. But he trusted us - mainly me, since I was the one pushing it, with my husband’s full support. By his last interview, he had gotten excited about the idea, and it was no longer me pushing him. So despite a crazy heavy workload at his magnet school, lots of time spent working on the school plays and his fencing, he worked incredibly hard on his applications.

So tomorrow we’re going to go to a movie in the middle of the day during a lull in the release times, and otherwise laze away the day as a celebration of a job well done, regardless of the outcome.

Best of luck to all the applicants and families stressing about tomorrow. May you all receive lots of great news!

@Calliemomofgirls It’s been radio silent on FedEx/USPS for us as well. Maybe the schools have learned how to “mask” it so we won’t get alerts when a package will be arriving…? Or maybe schools have decided to send packages a bit later? That’s my hopefully approach that I am sticking to! :wink:

I really felt that line ?. But in all seriousness, thank you @Golfgr8 - it’s quite a tradition!

@LeeLeeB I’ve heard that Andover last year disabled ‘informed delivery’, so that’s my hope as well…

Two years ago, we only got one notification, and five acceptances. Silence means nothing. Plus, as they are overnighted, they may not even be out in the mail yet.

Turn off the dang notifications. They hurt more than they help. :heart:

@Golfgr8 that’s a lovely poem i should print it out and read over and over :slight_smile:

@Calliemomofgirls I just received a text alert on my Fitbit from UPS and nearly broke my leg running to my phone to read it in full alas it is for another delivery :frowning:
… and yes i know i know not receiving a notification does not indicate anything.

@JustWinginIt since i’m “working” from home tomorrow I suggested DD be ‘sick’ but her conscientious self said no and actually she starts exams on Wednesday so probably not a good idea :slight_smile:

So by this time tomorrow at least 2 of our schools would be out. I still do not understand a 5p decision from Hotchkiss ugh!

Ditto here. Only notification we’ve gotten so far is an Amazon package.

@ Chan2006 same here for Summer @ Choate. But my student went last year and we knew that FA is given to first time applicants as priority. We have responded that we are excited but have to hear about M10 and what FA may be available for any acceptances before we know what remains in the budget. Congrats! It’s a great program and she loved it last summer!!! And it solidified why she wanted to apply to high school there.