The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@amumof2 @Calliemomofgirls

Thank you for the explanation. Wishing you all luck for tomorrow!

Hey guys, I’m logging off for tonight. Congrats to all of your early acceptances and your acceptances to come! See you when this has all settled down.

hey guys!!! good luck to everyone and i love how supportive everyone is here.

also did everyone ge a reminder email from andover? is that normal for everyone to get?

@avilynnnn Yes, I got an email from Andover with a button to access the portal for decisions too. Hope that helps, and good luck!

I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s posts and sharing over the last few months. There are incredible students and parents on these threads. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow’s announcements, and in the days that follow. May we be hopeful, graceful, humble, and kind to ourselves - no matter the outcomes!

good luck to you too :slight_smile: what grade are you applying for

@PhotographerMom thank you! that’s really kind, i love the freakout threads to death and i couldnt help myself this year… ah, well, its been a great time!


On UPS/FedEx notifications: they’ll come if they come, whether your family is signed up for the service or not (trust me). relax, don’t fret on whether or not you’ve gotten one - they’re coming in the next 24 hours for sure, knowing a day early doesn’t make much difference.

@mondaydevil see you on the flip side!!!

Be kind to yourselves, all of you, tonight. You are a fantastic group of applicants, and I’ve been so glad to get to know y’all a lil over this thread! Best of luck tomorrow, and I have faith that you will bear it - whether it be a little more responsibility as you gear up to go to BS or a heavy heart as you tread onwards to LPS - with grace and take the experience of the next school year by storm. I’ll be on for the early half of the night EDT! :heart:

Good luck to everyone out there :heart: I know everyone has worked very hard and I wish everyone the best of news tomorrow. Thank you for the support and the ride. See you guys in m10!

to all these sweet messages of support- thanksthankthanksTHANKS YOU AMAZING PEOPLE
And to all the talented, smart, hardworking just simply amazing applicants I sorta got to know while reading (and lowkey stalking) this thread- good luck, whether you get in or not, I’m sure your future will still be bright and you’ll still be amazing people.

Me: attempts to write a motivational thingy abt how it’ll be alright

Good luck everyone!

Thank you all so much for everything! I sincerely wish for all of you to end up in the place where you belong, you deserve it so much!

It has honestly been a really great time getting to know everyone in this amazing thread. I only joined first just to view chance me threads and see what other applicants were like, but after a while, this community grew on me, and I only have recently started to become more active. I want to thank everyone for being so welcoming and helpful. I know all of us will end up doing amazing things no matter what happens on M10. Goodluck to all of you!

Best of luck to everyone. You have all worked so hard to get to this point. You have so much to be proud of, don’t lose sight of that, no matter what happens tomorrow. ?

@doodlebean8 honestly that was me last year…

Wishing everyone the best. Remember that regardless of decisions, you will be no more nor no less wonderful. It’s just about where you will be wonderful.

I have been amazed, year after year, watching not only admissions but the kids who log in their 4 years at respective schools, how right it turns out almost all of the time.

Y’all are amazing to have gotten to this point, and great things lie ahead!

I loved being able to talk to all of you, sincerly, this community is literally the definiton of amazing and everyone has been so kind and supportive. Congrats to everyone who’s gotten in to a school and good luck for everyone else tomorrow! if anyone wants to reach out to me and talk or is really nervous and needs to rant a little, i know i need to, im always open.

I have been reading CC since DS applying for BS. thank you all for the great insight! and congrats to those with good news and best of luck to everyone.
International Applicant here, so we won’t receive any mail/package according to some AO.
question : anyone applying to Kent and hv information about the admission portal? we received email from AO saying his application complete but not heard from them since. thanks

@EandMsMom We received an email with Kent’s portal info. maybe try to go login on their website? Decisions should be posted in a little over an hour from now.