The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

Hi Guys!
Im from Africa and I got into Choate and Mercersburg as an 11th grader!!
Today was filled with Highs and lows because I also got waitlisted for Loomis and Milton.
Congratulations to everyone and thanks for all the constant Advice!

Might I further remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place.”

This is a stressful time for everyone, so let’s support each other instead of throwing shade at one another. The snark ends now. Several posts edited/deleted.

Thank you so much @D1swim2kidshoop ! Keep hope alive! There’s an actual reason to this year! IN MY OPINION!

As a 2 time BS mom, I’m 100% sure of a couple of things. 1. Today’s date a year ago/6 years ago was high on my stress meter. 2. There’s no sure way to tell who will be picked for one of these “golden” slots because WE DON’T SIT ON THE BOARD.

Another thing I’m sure of: I’m so excited and proud of everyone that was admitted and anyone who tried. We did a year of WL with our DD and DS. I could write a book.

Congrats to all. Don’t give up. As we prepare for Class of 2020, Cornell University, I will tell you what our DD said. Andover wasn’t easy, Cornell wasn’t easy but Andover made Cornell easier. GOOD LUCK!

@417WHB YES IT CAN!! Thank you for the positivity!

@PhotographerMom. Your: "The stock market is not crashing.” does not make me feel better. Our Tesla stock is down over 200pt along with our Netflix. Not here to argue the market with you but…LOSING $20k in a few days, well… And yes, we’re long time investors. We also understand the cost of BS isn’t pennies.

You only lose if you sell , @wjeanj2005 ! :wink:

ACCEPTED: Milton, Winsor, Concord

A bit unexpected because Milton and Winsor are generally a tad harder to get into.

My DD was waitlisted at Exeter and Choate. Nevertheless, I am still proud of her, getting into 11th grade at a boarding school is difficult, and she has 1 acceptance and 1 decision still left to discover!

All my decisions are in…
Accepted: Choate, Lville, Peddie, Blair
Waitlisted: Exeter, Taft

Is there any possibility to ask the financial aid office if the FA can be increased? I’m guessing no…

I would assume at this point it is too late, you could try I suppose.

@petrich0r – I know I’m not answering your current FA question but I DM’ed you when I saw you mention you hadn’t gotten your George FA result and will post here also since others might benefit.

If you can’t find the FA results, you might try clicking a button that says something like “See the agreement” or “accept the agreement” or “continue to contract” or something like that to get to the FA details. (I will say that you would want to make sure you stop before clicking anything that definitely says YES I COMMIT! – Andover admission page had a button like that and it did NOT go to FA info – it went to accepting the admission offer).

But my point is: several merit and FA offers required me clicking something that I wasn’t sure I should be clicking. (Some schools don’t send the FA result with the admissions decision though.)


Ni-i-i-ce… Congratulations on outstanding admission results!

Y’all I’m devastated about my choate rejection. i didn’t check some schools bc i know that they’re notorious for rejecting kids that need a lot of fin aid.
i have a lot of hope for hkiss and i think that im probably gonna get waitlisted.
here’s how decisions have gone so far:
accepted: Mercersburg (full scholarship)
waitlisted: SPS
rejected: L’ville, Choate, Taft

My apology to everyone. I admit my sarcastic remark was absolutely inappropriate. Of course, I did not mean it. If I hurt anybody’s feelings, I am sorry - please understand I did not mean it. Moderator is entirely right - he still ended up being matched to two of the finest places for his talent, when all one needs is one. There are many amazing applicants here who are yet to hear one good news, and my prayer is with them. This is difficult times for everyone - especially since we have new uncertainties this year we have not had before. Some in Asia must not have slept a second, waiting for one good news. My prayer is with them too.


I still like your user name. :smiley:

Again, congratulations on CSW!

The Ravenna Portal is currently saying it’ll be ready at 5 PM today (3/10), although up until yesterday it was stating 5 PM 3/9.

Our (accepted) notification came by USPS.

Perhaps I was too subtle. Knock it off. Several posts deleted.

@ens2006 I have known you here for months now and I want to tell you: you are amazing, and I adore you! I got a little teary thinking about you getting FULL scholarship at MB!! I’m so excited for you. How many options you leave behind on A11 will make NO difference once you settle into your new school. You don’t need a hundred options; you need one, and you HAVE IT. I know you were so excited for Choate. I’m so sorry.

I see amazing possibilities for you at MB! And gosh – they do too!

ps. you don’t mean you didn’t check decisions, do you? Because this mom won’t let you not show up for amazing self today!!

Very nice and strategic list ( swoon! ) , @Calliemomofgirls !! I’m very impressed and so happy for DD and your family!! Congrats!!