The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

No. Just no. Hell to the no.

Let the people do their job. Such an email will make you stand out. But not in a good way.


Ok! Just so nervous as it is getting closer and closer. It’s literally next week.

If you want to be really annoying, go for it, especially if you are competing with my kiddo :joy::rofl:


Word is Hopkins in New Haven has decisions out. Always interesting to me when NEPSAC schools are ahead of March 10 deadline.

off-topic question - what’s with the “yes it’s a sentence cc” thing?

Huh, what do you mean?

I think they mean like on the freakout threads people always say something short then “ITS A SENTENCE CC”, I noticed it too and am curious as to why CC wouldn’t recognize it as a sentence

Hello! I’m a bit new to this website, but I saw this thread and I have a question. When do boarding schools like Andover and Choate usually end their decision-making of who to accept or reject? I assume it’s around mid-February but perhaps it’s later?

Not sure what you mean by “decision-making”. Nearly all decisions are released on March 10.

I mean when they finish deciding who will be accepted and who will be rejected. After they finish deciding, they wait until March 10 to release it. I just want to know when they finished deciding.

Oh, no one can tell you that, except the admissions officers. Decisions are probably still being made in the first days of March. For all intents and purposes, however, decisions are finalized March 10th.

That’s fine I guess. I’m excited.

i think freakouters call out anyone who’s posts aren’t complete sentences… but in a joking way??

no idea ab this sentence thing… i saw it a few times too and was thoroughly confused too :sob:

CC probably has an anti-spam bot; maybe if your message is too short or you post to frequently it gets flagged, so they add “it’s a sentence CC” to lengthen it. That’s my guess.

Also, talk about massive increase in viewership to this thread.


Oh yeah, we posted that last year because CC doesn’t seem to allow sentences with all caps I think (maybe to prevent spam?).

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Hi- they are still reading in mid-February! Certainly by mid-Feb the pool of applicants they are considering for admission is narrowed down, but admissions committees are hard at work reviewing and discussing applications. Our experience with Andover leads me to believe that admission decisions are finalized in enough time to have the Welcome Home swag in the mail to be received on M10.


Another question. Where des Andover release their decisions? I don’t see any specific place on the website.

I think we’ll get an email about how/when/where in a few days, at least that’s what MX/Exeter both did

They will be sending us the decision portal link within the next few days.