The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

Last year’s March 10 Decision Release Times:

-Prep School 2021 Decision Release Timing

Now that I think about it, that’s extremely close.

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march 10th probs will be a sadge day

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at this point i’d rather have an outright rejection than a waitlist so i’m not kept in limbo


i want to get in so badly

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yeah same and I only applied to one :grimacing:

Really strangely, one school watched a video link TODAY. They are the only ones with the link. Could they still be making last minute decisions? Very weird.

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which one? wouldn’t it be a bit late with packages already sent out for some

I don’t want to say in case they are seeing anything. I just wanted to give some peace of mind that maybe last minute decisions may be possible. Even though some schools may have made shipping labels, they might not actually send until March 9 and do overnight mail. Plenty of time to whip up a last minute decision letter.

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Wait, how do you see which schools watched your videos? When I look at my video that I sent, I can’t see specific schools (it only shows a number of unique viewers). For external sources, it doesn’t say anything, but I know some of the schools watched my videos (cuz the music director from one of the schools that I applied to contacted me because of my video, and an AO from another school told me that the music director watched my video).

I made a separate, unpublished link for each school. You can sometimes also see which school looked at it by clicking on traffic source - direct. But it’s easier to just each school their own link.

There is literally 30 hours until M10 and that’s crazy and I can’t believe and I am nervous and so excited at the same time. My mom was giving me a whole speech about how i have to sleep and I can’t stay up till 1 for my decision letter and I was just like n0❤️


Woah, that is so smart! How many videos did you send to each school? I only sent one video (of my violin playing) to each school.

yeah same here i’m so stressed and idk why, it’s far more worrying and obsessing than last year. my mom keeps telling me not to worry since it’s out of my control already

2 links to each school, it is interesting to see which video or both they watched. Kind of lets you know what the school is looking for since they were of two different activities.

My (2 min long) videos haven’t gotten any views since early Feb. Andover had 6 unique viewers with the longest view time being 1 min, Exeter 3 with the longest being 23 seconds, MX 4 with 58 sec, and Milton 4 and 8 sec. I think the short view times may be because I emailed them in an update email instead of putting it as a multimedia link since the videos were not ready when I submitted the Candidate Profile. Oh well, can’t do anything about it now! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!


also I found milton’s admission website for newly admitted students!

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Don’t worry, my child’s links were not on the candidate profile, either. And, the view times are all over the place, and many are very short! Also, most were viewed awhile ago just like yours, not sure what this last minute view was about. Maybe he was in the “discard pile” and they decided to take another look, who knows.

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UPDATE: Just checked UPS and my DD has a shipment notification from “The Fenway Group,”scheduled for delivery 3/15. NO CLUE what this is?! Says it’s 1 lb. and a tracking number is provided.


looks like an acceptance! Fenway Group is a commercial printer in Boston according to google!