The Official M10 2022 Freakout Thread

If it’s M10 decision, it’s likely school merchandise. Congrats!



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Nice! Congratulations @lakelife18 !! :smiley:

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is anyone here applying to middlesex? im a current student and you can ask me any questions. i was in your shoes last year and even if it doesn’t turn out how you want, everything will still be fine. I’m sure you will get into at least one school.

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i am! Is there a dress code and how was the transition to having saturday classes?

Congrats! Did you apply anywhere in the Boston area?

yayyy!! i’m so happy for you!!

yes there is a dress code but after the first week you can wear sweatpants and teacher really do not care, I’ve basically wprn sweatpants the whole year and I’ve never gotten dress coded. saturday classes are every week but they are half days so the day ends at 11 and we have Saturday classes to make space for athletic games so Wednesday and Saturday are half days and come together to make one full day.


Concord, Andover, Milton, Groton, Middlesex

So it could be any one of them :joy:

woahhhh there’s so many people and replies all of a sudden lmao. question: which school decision to you guys plan to open first or are you just going to go with whenever they come out? i’m undecided in my plans :sob:

Yup! :joy: hopefully someone else sees a similar notification shortly and we can figure it out.

We applied to Groton and Andover from your list. Nothing for us :disappointed:

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Uhm I applied to Andover, Middlesex, Milton and Groton on your list and I got no packages. Welp…

i’m so scared for M10. But I don’t think checking UPS would be very good or reliable if you receive no notifications.

I think just wait for M10 or check online.

I think yes.

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I’m an international student and one of the schools I applied to posted a pic on their admissions account in IG that their packets were on the way but I didn’t get a DHL notification WELP… … OH NO

Another thing, for those of you applying to many boarding schools. It’s probably a good idea to compile a list of all the admissions portal so you can just click and see.


Does anyone know how many 10th graders choate accepts or the acceptance rate for 10th graders?