The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

10 more days….
Getting stressed


Waiting for a rolling admission school and m10! Really nervous


Anyone know if a 84 Ssat score will be good enough for Taft? I know the gunnery is optional for the Ssat but I submitted it too, I’m just not sure if it’s good enough seeing everyone else’s higher scores. I do 3 sports and at involved in lots or extra circulars but I’m not amazing at them and I don’t have any awards or anything for them. I am mainly hoping too get in off of my good acedimcs and we’ll roundedness


An 84th percentile is an excellent score for any school. The admissions decision will not hinge on your ssat score.


It’s at, or slightly above, Taft’s median, and above Gunn’s.

SSAT-wise, you are in great shape. :smiling_face:


Time will tell. 10 days to find out!

You only see a very, very, very, did I mention very, small number of scores here. What is excellent to some is not excellent to others but that is only opinion of people with accounts here and only the schools will ultimately decide.


i know that the ssat isn’t the factor that the schools weigh most when considering an applicant but i heard many rumors about cutoffs that schools use (for example: applicants with scores only over 75th percentile are considered). can anyone confirm if this is true?


Sigh. We were just going through and making sure my daughter had access to all of the school portals she should. Turns out, she never got the link for one of them, but I did. So, she was about to send an email to the person in charge of the portal stuff at the school, but then saw that she had an email from January where the salutation was addressed to me, but it went to HER email. It was asking for her (daughter’s) email address so that the school could set up her portal. So, basically, they sent an email to her email address asking for her email address. :rofl:

Anyway, at the time, she had just skimmed by it, assuming that, because the salutation was to me, I had received it as well and that she had just been copied on it as a courtesy. So, just today, I have now sent an email to this school letting them know they had her email all along, but she still needs access to a portal. Hoping that doesn’t make it seem like this school was not a priority or that she isn’t interested because she assumed that I would reply to the email request and it took us this long to realize I never got that email. :crazy_face:


Ugh. I feel your pain. But I would guess this happens often and won’t factor into the decision.

My guess is that the folks reading applications and making admissions decisions are not the folks doing administrative tasks like setting up portals.

Had they contacted her for information that would have aided in a decision, that might have mattered, but that’s not the case.


I’m assuming you’re right, but everything feels like it’s monumental and needs to be perfectly executed right now! :joy:


Beware the aides of March :face_with_spiral_eyes: next Friday is gonna be doozy

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Don’t over think it. There may be kids who don’t want to set up portals until just before M10 to avoid the anxiety of looking at the portal every day. People have spam filters. Some kids don’t use their email address every day. Some don’t live with the parent that the school has the email address for. It’s not a big deal.


Setting up your portal has no impact on decisions.



That is definitely not true. As I’ve said many times there are kids on this board who have gotten into top school with low scores.


I mean, logically I know that, but this is the “official freakout thread”, so I’m just freaking out a bit that they were waiting on a response for six weeks and I didn’t send it and it will somehow reflect poorly on my daughter or our approval/investment in the boarding school process.

It wasn’t that she didn’t set up a portal - it was that they asked me (but sent it to the wrong email) for her email address so they could send the portal invite to her and no one replied to that email due to some confusion.

I will say, I tried to be very diplomatic in my email while also telling them they sent an email to my daughter’s email address asking for her email address. :joy:


@RoonilWazlib99 You’re fine. Don’t sweat the small stuff. I expect they may see the humor in what happened just as you’ve presented it to us.

Ok, back to freaking out.

It’s March!


Talking about everything is monumental now, two years ago we received an email from a school a few days before M10 saying our application was incomplete. It was after 5 pm on a Friday so calling the school wasn’t an option.

Luckily a few others shared the same thing in the freakout thread and someone actually was able to talk to the school. It turned out to be a mistake and everything was fine. But still the first few seconds when I read the email I felt like having a heart attack.


First time posting. Silently lurking on this site for the last 5 months. I have learned much about the BS process from all of you and appreciate everyone’s input. We are patiently awaiting M10 decisions. Thank you. Good luck to everyone! 10 days and counting.


I remember that now that you mention it - happened to my son too and talk about stress!!! It’s a good reminder that the schools make mistakes too… portals will crash… etc. It all adds to the stress but if something seems odd, it may be a mistake on the schools part.

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Ok so then by the same means where you think this may have blown your daughter’s chances with this particular school because they judged her for not responding right away, could you not turn the tables and judge the school for being moronic and not get it right that they already had her email address? No, because things happen. They look at the application, not whether you reply to emails faster than the next student, attend all virtual/video “experiences” offered, make every in person event they hold, it really is ok. There are probably a whole host of people who still have not set up a portal and/or won’t even manage to do so by M10 for one reason or another. Not every kid in America even has WiFi/internet at home, COVID shutdowns taught us this, and/or personal laptops at school that they have access to. It’s fine! You’re ready now and can relax (ha!).

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