The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

I personally have been trying too occupy myself with things but i feel like right now im not even that stressed about it, good news or bad i just want too know already


same here


Can we all agree that different people approach these things in different ways? There is no “right” way to await the decisions. Whatever works for you is the right way. For some, boarding school represents an opportunity that would be nice, but they have a great school they would also be happy to attend if it doesn’t work out. For others, the opportunity to attend boarding school will be a truly life-changing experience and they do not have a local public school that will allow them the same chances. They might have different feelings or ways of dealing with the approach of March 10.

For some kids, they are just naturally more casual and take everything in stride. March 10 might seem like just another day to them. For other kids, they have a hard time not thinking about it. Nothing is wrong with either approach. And there are many other approaches that are just fine as well.

For most people, they are here to find a supportive community of others experiencing the same ups and downs, doubts and worries, joys, etc. A place where they can post about their anxiety or the difficulty of awaiting the decisions and hear from others experiencing the same thing or just a place to leave it out in the universe to try to alleviate the weight of those feelings.

Let’s work hard to support all the ways students and parents are dealing with this process. Whether that is throwing themselves into schoolwork, hobbies, sports, or family life or whether it is logging in to College Confidential 13 times a day to see if anyone has posted anything new or anything/everything in between, all are welcome!

Let’s continue to allow this space to be a place where everyone is encouraged to “freak out” about things large and small as we go through the last few days of (at least for me) not-so-patiently waiting.


I think I’m more stressed out than my daughter is, simply because of the FA piece.

She is more focused right now on spring break, which happens to start on March 10, and getting to go visit a friend for a few days before coming home.


Wow, I just looked it up, their SAT and ACT scores are pretty high.

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Just 5 more days, we are so close I can’t believe it


Agree! My son is not actively freaking out and is certainly as busy as everyone else here. But I also know that he is most likely thinking about it from time to time, while falling asleep, taking a break from ECs or homework. It is like that little thing in the back of your mind that you are always thinking about. I know it is on his mind as he put a lot of work into all the applications, questions, visits, asking endlessly from teachers (one in particular!) over several months reminding and asking to have them to do a reference and then after M10 knowing there will be more visits (re) and decisions and questions (internal as in “am I making the right choice?”). Is he wishing this week away, no, and in fact he won’t be at home but away on a school trip M9-11th so we are going to have to discuss the M10 results over the phone or text at first!


We will celebrate later, after we decide which school to go. Probably not on M10.


We will do two special dinners one next weekend and then one in the area / town of school he chooses to go to!! Can’t wait


Ooh that’s a good idea, I like the idea of eating near the school!


love this! I was going to let my kid pick what we ate on Friday night to mark occasion (or comfort disappointment). However, I love the idea of also going out near final selection, when it is made! My kid is only applying to day schools, but still they are all outside our normal dining spots. And, if they end up at LPS (a real possibility), the closest restaurant to there is one of their absolute favorites:)


Confirmed that our WhatsApp chat group notification was an error on the part of the AO and our daughter can expect an acceptance from that school on Friday. Guess they didn’t realize we would be notified and thought if they didn’t send a message to the group that it would remain only on their side and hidden to us. So, it was like a FedEx notification! :smile:




That’s awesome! Congrats!


Definitely takes the stress out of waiting for Friday knowing she has a place to go next year!


Congratulations !


@RoonilWazlib99 :tada: I’m so pleased to hear that this unusual chain of events led to such exciting news! :tada: Congratulations to your daughter! :tada: She was remarkably mature and intentional in her school selection, so we know that she has been accepted by school that’s a great fit for her too! :tada:






Thanks, everyone! Can’t wait to celebrate with others and share acceptances later this week!! :star_struck: :scream: :scream: