The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Also, spare a thought for those not receiving notifications, and later on, those who didn’t get admitted to the school you did.


is it in student’s name or parent’s name?

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Not getting in a good prep school is not the end of world. I saw plenty of people graduated from public school and are very successful.

If anything, it could be argued that grinding it out in a local public school and becoming globally successful is due to the lessons learned from being in public school.


Very true! But for some kids, getting rejected can feel like the end of the world. Which is why I am urging sensitivity and thoughtfulness, when possible.


The most wildly successful person I know turned down prep school for LPS (I think it was a FA issue, honestly)… there are many many many paths to success in college, and life.


I know that well! I have no dog in this fight – my kids are through boarding schools, and even through college admissions. I stick around these threads to offer a potentially longer perspective than those caught up in the moment.


I hope everyone is enjoying this time where everything/nothing is possible :wink:

Our 8th grader made application decisions with us alongside him. At the time, I was very pleased to give him the oversight over what schools might best provide the academic and social community he felt best suited his goals. We certainly helped him along, stayed involved and enjoyed campus visits and the process of looking at all these exciting opportunities.

Now that the time is nearly upon us, my anxiety is getting the best of me. Of course, I can not let him see this, so here I am!

I was relaxed until today when I really felt the weight of the process. Knowing there will be disappointments, and hoping there will be gratitude and joy.

Rationally, the process makes sense. There are great numbers of applicants, the admissions office is working to make good matches and build a class of varied but well matched candidates.

Emotionally, though, I’m protective of my child and hope he gets at least one acceptance!!!

Thank you for the freak out forum.


(I probably should have replied to thread, not you! I wasn’t disagreeing, but expanding!) And thanks for hanging around:)


Well said! This summarizes exactly how I feel! One minute I’m hopeful for at least one acceptance, another minute I’m assuming waitlisted or at least hoping for waitlisted as opposed to rejected. I know this entire experience of interviewing, writing essays and communicating with teachers and coaches provided my daughter with a great learning/life experience, so that will be a key take away if disappointment finds us.


I’m definitely NOT enjoying this time! Between taxes to file, work considerations and all of the essays/applications that I had to write parents essays/answers/interviews for each, I am now just looking for a satisfactory conclusion of this string of events…Only to be tortured again in 4 years by the college application process. I do get it though; It’s almost as if we as parents are being judged by our educational institutions, community peers, competitors and frenemies as much as our children are. SERENITY NOW!


100% this!

I go back and forth between being hopeful for multiple acceptances and assuming all rejections - lol and knowing that it was amazing experience for my kid regardless!

And I sort of dread lots of waitlists, as I just want to make a decision :rofl:. I am a planner and want to know when school will start (to plan summer) when vacations will be next year (to know what we will be doing and when to visit family!).

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Do all schools call you and let you know you are accepted before M10? So, if you don’t get a call before M10 should you expect a rejection or waitlist?


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I have never heard of this being any sort of regular practice.


I’m not sure schools can call you before M10 with that information, per mutual agreement.

Someone mentioned on here somewhere (can’t even remember if it was this thread or another) that some of the smaller schools do call some candidates the day before to give them a heads up of good news. I don’t know which schools do that, though.


Some schools give legacy students a courtesy call the day before if they don’t get in.


Same. I go between feeling completely hopeless to feeling like anything is possible. It was a great experience to go through the application process and we have known all along it’s a huge stretch for it to work out.
Thankfully my sons lps hockey team has continued their season and play at states Saturday. He will be busy and enjoying the process and being with his teammates friends and coaches as they travel Friday to have practice check in to an hotel and go to a banquet.
Our life of limited resources and experiences this alone is a huge huge huge privilege and he will enjoy it and be grateful for each moment. He is not as nervous as I am as I will feel like I let him down not knowing what I was doing as we scrambled through the process in 2 short months knowing nothing about BS prior to that.
Anyway I’m grateful for this group to vent !!


I had no idea what I was doing either and literally stumbled on this site last week. Epic fail on my part. But, it’s all up to the universe now and I keep telling my daughter she will succeed wherever she goes to high school. If she doesn’t get in, then it’s not meant to be!

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