The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

If your kid goes to BS, it’s more of a long distance powerless torture.

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Thankful for this thread as we approach M10! My son is applying to day schools in Boston- Belmont Hill, Dexter, Thayer, BC High.
I agree on a previous post on emotions running very positive to negative.


indeed. Long duration and long distance torture is…just…the best…

Student’s Name

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It’s gonna be a long four days.



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Good luck to him! I’m a Thayer alum, and know people who went to all of those schools… Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!


The best friend of one of my sons attended Belmont Hill (we had moved away from the Boston area at that point, but they still kept in touch). He LOVED it! Started a new sport while there and ended up being recruited by several Ivies and just graduated last year from one of them!

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Adding to the tea leaves conversation — it’s not usually wrong when you DO get a notification (so congrats to those!) but for everyone else note that it does NOT mean NO if you don’t.
We got maybe 5 notifications total over 24 schools (two different daughters over two years) so truly do NOT freak out if you get no notifications.
It’s an exciting time — even for me who has no skin in the game on this M10 —for the first time since 2019.


Well said and I am glad I am not alone. Regardless, we should be super proud of these kids. We did not expect to be doing this in 8th grade. Our daughter mentioned it about a year and a half ago. We were so naive about the process, so my regret is not getting more deeply involved sooner. She said she learned so much about herself during the process, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for these AOs after this experience.


Hi - do you recall if Exeter or Andover sent notifications? Thanks.

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SAME! Our daughter broached it with us last January (2022) and after having had two kids already go through public high school the “traditional” way, we just assumed she would be home with us for those four years. Talk about a big decision to make as a parent to let go enough to give your child the opportunity for this amazing experience. Best of luck to your family this week!

Does anyone have any details on when Pomfret and Suffield typically send out their emails? I have checked in previous “decision timing” threads, but they are never mentioned. They don’t have a portal so there is no way to check - all decisions are communicated via email. I did read in a previous thread from last year or the year before a theory that if a school didn’t specify a time, that it was typically midnight on March 10. That would be nice - anyone know if there is truth to that?! Trying to figure out timing here so we can plan (we will have results anywhere from early morning March 10 through to mid-morning March 11 due to being in a different time zone).


Just wanted to say good luck to everyone who applied (And their families)!


That’s very much not what an endowment is or how it’s used or structured. The vast vast majority of funds in most endowments are “directed” (by the donor, generally speaking) for “a thing” eg financial aid, arts, athletics, the on campus museum, buildings and grounds/facilities, whatever.

Development people love to land “general fund” or “undirected” gifts because the income thrown off by these gifts can be used as a school sees fit. It’s a small % of the endowment, typically, which means a school cannot just “decide” to spend $ from an endowment on XYZ as they like.


@CTDad75 it’s not that the schools “send notifications.” It’s that you can get notified by Fedex or USPS or UPS that you have a package coming your way from, say, Andover, MA. Which then tells you: Phillips Academy sent me something! Which means acceptance, as rejections aren’t sent by Fedex.
Andover – many people DO get a notification that a package is on its way a day or two before M10. We did NOT get such a notification, but my daughter DID get a package from them (and admission) on M10. Exeter – she didn’t apply, so I have no personal experience to share about them. Hope that helps.
Bottom line: do NOT freak out when people start posting they got notifications of packages!!


This is our 4th child - oldest went to a day school for high school and middle two went to public. #4 in PS but decided he wanted to re-do a year to play a sport longer so here we are as well never realizing that #4 would not be living with us for high school years! Took a bit to wrap our head around but now we are very excited for him and proud that he is taking such a leap!


So, I guess all the schools have made decisions. Is it helpful to give more push by telling my team just won state championship and we are going to nationals? Or just wait patiently without doing anything?



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call or email - yes they do ( we received an email)

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