The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Financial aid tends to be needs based, but some schools also offer Merit Scholarships which are based on other aspects, like grades, athletics, etc.


Cranbrook has a number of merit scholarships and they recently changed the criterion for the “Crane Scholarships” so it is open to all domestic applicants. In the past, they were restricted to certain geographic areas within Michigan. Some are still limited by location (certain areas within Michigan plus Chicago). There are also music scholarships and need based aid.


That is a spot on assessment of BS—there are “stars” who are recruited for music, theater, debate team, sports, etc.—then the “glue” (like that term much more than fillers :grinning:). Some kids/parents assume because they’ve spoken with a head of a dept of special interest or varsity coach that their child will land at the top of the pack. However, unless you have guarantees going in and are recruited they may see you as the glue. Be sure to clarify that before accepting if it’s important to your child because although at some schools you can work your way up, these days competitive schools often just bring in more experienced kids to fill a gap instead. Some kids are ok becoming the glue but considering this is a pool of competitive kids some are not. Best of luck to all!


I would be surprised if any of the “less competitive” schools DON’T offer merit aid to top candidates who they know may be swayed by it. My 10th grader was guaranteed 85% financial aid every year at the school we did indeed choose, largely because of that. She had great scores, very smart, and I think they are hoping to place her at a great college. And it’s actually a much better place for her than I think a so-called “top” school would be… there are enough other kids like her to keep her on her toes, but it’s not a pressure cooker and she’s been happy there.


We are waiting for M10 decisions. As parents we did not even entertain the idea of BS until 7 months ago. We were told by other parents to apply as they thought my son would fit in well. Academically and athletically he is talented enough to play Varsity Tennis at a local Private school well known for their tennis. He also had numerous awards internationally in math and Writing competitions with scholarship money given, and received an $80,000 merit based scholarship to attend our local Private Prep Day School known for Service and Athletics in the Country. We are hopeful and excited for any grants from the M10 schools, but know we may not get anything. So instead of going to the local Prep School and accepting the $80,000 scholarship we may now be sending him off to BS and paying full tuition and board. I know what happens will be the best for him and we want to make sure he belongs in a school he feels he will grow the most. We just hope he is happy wherever he goes. Good luck tomorrow and may the odds ever be in your favor. Thanks to everyone on this board for giving their insight in this process and helping our family in the last 7 months.


Literally just got this. :joy:

Greetings from the Lawrence Academy Admissions Office!

We wanted to send along a friendly reminder that the Lawrence Academy [Admission Parent Portal] is where you will be able to view %recipient.data_first_name%'s admissions decision, which will be posted at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time tomorrow, Friday, March 10, 2023.

I can’t wait to hear about my child %recipient.data_first_name%'s decision!

(I would totally be the one in the office to forget to check the code, so I’m not really making fun. This just made me smile on an otherwise stressful day… not stressful because of prep school decisions, fwiw, but just other stuff in life.)


Man this school screws you over every chance you get :sob::sob::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Oh no, that’s not the school I was talking about before! We actually really liked Lawrence. I don’t know if it’s our top choice, but I think my son would do really well there, and it would be a good fit. And it’s closer than his top choice, which makes a difference to me. If he gets in, we would definitely do a revisit.

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I Applied there too and it’s def something I would like to see more of! Looking forward to it

Yes - BS make mistakes too… :laughing:

Naming your kid like a celeb :rofl:


There are some that offer merit aid as well. Not all of the schools my daughter applied to do, but some have them and it would be super exciting to have her receive one tomorrow!


Craziness. We just heard from the counselor that the school called her back and told her that, after their conversation, our daughter’s app went back to committee and they have reversed their decision and instead of being waitlisted, she should be expecting good news tomorrow. I’m not holding my breath at this point, but according to our counselor, the school felt they “made a mistake” in not admitting her and decided to give her the thumbs up after all. So schools are still making those final adjustments! I guess this is a school that likely doesn’t send out acceptance packages . . . or else they have some scrambling to do. :grin:


A friend’s son recently gradient from Lawrence, and it was a very good fit for him. He was a 5 day boarder.

Doesn’t spell check just suck sometimes? :rofl:


Yes, and many have scholarships for very specific types of students that are not necessarily aid driven.

My kid got one -’ not huge – even though we were FP. It was one that was very aligned with something the school emphasized in its community.

Sometimes they are based on geography.

And sometimes it’s just a sum of $ that is given to admissions to use to entice certain kids they really want to attend, regarding of need.


still didn’t receive an email from exeter about decision release time. is this only me?

By this time, most of schools should have done alumni reject/waitlist courtesy calls. Have anyone heard from Exeter/Andover/Choate? Hope for good sight if not?

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I haven’t heard from any of the schools yes :no, i didn’t get it too.

sorry, typo.

what i meant to say was: I didn’t get an email from exeter as well