The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

We are an Exeter family and when my middle kid was waitlisted a few years ago, we received a call on March 6th (they got in the next year as a reclassed prep). No call so far for DC #3, which I’m taking as a good sign. Crossing my fingers (and grateful for a FedEx notification from admissions).

We have also not received an email from Exeter regarding the timing of the portal. Looking back at my emails from two years ago, they didn’t send an email until March 10th at 7:53 a.m.


Exeter is 8 am portal.

Just got Exeter email, decision on March 10 by 8 AM EST.


got it too ty

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same got it rn

@BlueBirdWine have you got delivery notification from fedex already?

Yes, I got one yesterday. Others on here reported getting a notification two days ago, so I wouldn’t worry if you aren’t seeing one. They clearly aren’t all scanned at the same time. Also, all of the mail service tracking systems are kind of a mess. I receive a lot of packages and the tracking is super unreliable.

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We got the same haha our son is a 10th grade applicant for Lawrence

congrats to your family!

Congrats! Do you mind sharing which school?

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When in doubt, take the test. If you don’t like the score, don’t submit.

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what school did you end up choosing and is your student still there? funny thing is there are stars/competitive students at every school and these end up competing with each other vs where the entire school is competing against each other!

DS’ school is less selective than many of the schools that kids here are applying to, yet one year recently, 4 kids got into MIT ED. (No sports or legacy at work there!) They are great at STEM without having single digit admissions!

It’s a great reminder that wherever you end up, there are going to be really talented, high achieving kids.


For those of us waiting for Gunn package notifications (no idea how they are being sent though) … edit: that was supposed to link to IG

Finally, thank you!!


exactly - even if you think there are schools “beneath” your student’s IQ level or too easy - you will find the pool to be crowded with amazingly smart kids who choose it for various reasons. in fact - in life you will find there are always smarter people :slight_smile:



I thought this was amazing advice from @mom2boys123 Hidden Gems: Lesser-known Prep Schools - #349 by mom2boys123
She is a rock star IMHO

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Strange - that was supposed to be a link to the Instagram post. Oh well!