The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread


I’m having the hardest time keeping secrets rn :laughing: it’s killing me. Glad he’s at school and we will have practice, too. Oh and there is “sleep”. All times where I won’t have to refrain from blurting out things and ruining his surprise :rofl:

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saw this on andover’s instagram!


My child at a HADES school has someone from admissions as a coach. He told them higher numbers this year even from last. Could be school specific, but key is to remember they’re looking for a variety of kids. You add value wherever you go. Acceptances don’t define you—easier said than done to remember this but try your best!


Absolutely-we saw that with one child but same child received significant merit at a few “top” schools, which was surprising. Combo of good (not genius but hard worker) student and 2 sport varsity athlete who interviews well—a very chill and authentic kid. We learned he needed no interview prep and he ended up having the most interesting interviews, great conversations, in person and zoom.

We just got home to a package from Kimball Union outside of our door! Never saw it show up on USPS or FedEx and it came United States Postal Service!! Very excited but now I’m thinking if a package isn’t delivered today, does that mean the rest are a no for tomorrow because the acceptances come out earlier?


I do not think that is at all what you should be reading into this! Some don’t ship until today or tomorrow IF they send anything at all! (edit: and those that already shipped may not have tracked for some reason - happens a lot!)

Celebrate the first (?) acceptance!


Congratulations! Now you can go into tomorrow peaceful. In the end, they are ALL great schools, so this is great news no matter what else happens.


anyone know if exeter sends an email saying you got accepted at 8am tmrw, or is it just the applicant portal that will tell you your decision and any emails will stay status update posted or something like that?

I think it’s the latter. You have to check the portal yourself.

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who else here didnt set up notifications or cannot and is still super anxious about tmr (and hoping DHL/UPS/FedEx would automatically send an email somehow lol)


Wow thanks so much :wink: This site was such an incredible resource for us and I’m happy to share our experience because there are great lessons to take from it. Good luck with your search!!!


We did not sign up for notifications since we are overseas and anything shipped takes forever to clear customs anyways. Still nervously watching the FedEx thread anyway - living vicariously through everyone on here. My own son is unbothered by it all and is planning to sleep in tomorrow!!

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So just got a beautiful box set on my front step… My wife calls me and says there is a box from an M10 school. Elated to see it but I’m at work and my wife is at home and my son and daughter are still in school. I can’t even say which of the 10 Schools Admission Organization it is because I promised my son not to open and wait. Well, it came a day early… I hope we have choices to pick from tomorrow as well.


Someone else said Lville arrived today.

we have lville notification “out for delivery”


When did you get that?

original notification tuesday and the status changed this morning.


I was so happy to read your post and was so impressed with your tenacity… I bow down to you, oh Great One! xoxo


The St. Mark’s instagram has a new post saying they are emailing decisions at midnight (with Taylor Swift Meet me at Midnight song playing in the background). Not letting my son stay up that late on a school night, but I might stay up!!


My daughter is a recruit and just received an email from a coach telling her that decisions come out tomorrow,but she’s looking forward to chatting with her and answering any questions she has to help in the ultimate school selection process. That’s our first “sign” of anything so far! I know this particular school was mailing packages today and we haven’t received any notifications.