The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Hill School sent package by USPS. Check informed delivery

Schools release at different times. We have a 6 and 7, and a “sometime in the morning!”

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We have a few that are 3 pm and 4 pm.
Long day ahead!


Yes. My daughter never received any notifications last year and was accepted at 1 and rejected at 1.

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We are staying up (1am our time) as we have two BS releasing at 12:01am EST. Hoping to get some good news before we get some sleep and wake up for the rest!


okay thanks.

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Ugh!! I don’t know why schools do that!

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Which ones?

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St. Mark’s and Pomfret

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where are you located?

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International expat


Thanks! And no, bay area ca.

I don’t have any school that releases at midnight. Some are 6am,7am etc. and some are 3pm. I wonder why 3pm…? To avoid being bothered by emotional phone calls?

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Waiting on Pomfret here as well!


Good luck!!

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You as well!

That’s my guess, too! Especially the day before their 2 week spring break. :rofl:

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I was just on Loomis portal and everything on the checklist is gone…I wanna know if I’m in :broken_heart:

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Loomis is available at 8 am