<p>I dont know how things have been or if there'd been a tradition of sorts, well, someone needed to start this thread so here it is. Enjoy.
Form is temporary, Class is permanent.</p>
<p>helloo… 8)</p>
<p>Howdy! how are you doing?</p>
<p>good, how about you? :)</p>
<p>Is there no one else of 2015 class on CC? :o</p>
i’m in the class of 2015 too :)</p>
<p>Lovely! Where are you guys applying?</p>
<p>the top notch univs i will be applying to are yale, and princeton
but it depends on my SAT score (taking this october)…
Where are you applying?</p>
<p>Stanford, NU, Washington st louis, bowdoin, beloit and maybe Rice and some safeties. what were your stats? my sats are in november.</p>
<p>hmm i’m applying to MIT stanford princeton yale caltech ut austin UCLA and others
SAT is in octber and SAT II is in november
11A’s in O level and 6A’s 1B in AS level</p>
<p>i got 10As in Olvl and 6As in AS level (7 actuali if u count the internal grade of furthermaths coz thrz no AS of fmaths)</p>
<p>what are you guys expecting for SAT?
I just hope to break 2200 on SAT1</p>
<p>eid greetings =]</p>
<p>likewise . Yes, i hope to get the same. I had a 1950 last time
, (had a 0 on my essay xD) but i hadnt even bought an sat book that time. Remember to take 100 or so points off your practice tests and that is what you’ll probably get. good luck forum!</p>
<p>1950 with a zero on essay is great :o
i guess u will easily get ur desired score with little effort
Thanks and good luck to u too</p>
<p>maybe, i am not very sure. what school you from?</p>
<p>A word of advice? Put more safeties on your lists than reaches. I’d especially say this for intemister. Not that I don’t think you have an impressive resume (from what I’ve read on the class of 2014 thread) but its very diverse and not much focused on one thing in particular. Adcoms look for personality, and your resume pretty much insinuates flimsiness.</p>
<p>Ah, yes, thankyou for the advice noonesfool. Yes i realized that fact; better a little late than never. Actually, if you would be kind enough to have a quick link at the thread below, I’ve tried at having a spike.
Advice for everyone. Colleges do NOT want well rounded students. They want well rounded student bodies. You have to be someone who contributes very specifically to that special group of students. Bear in mind that this, admission strategy, if you will, if followed more religiously by top tier schools. The ones lower on the lists are not as concerned.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/northwestern-university/991226-i-3-northwestern-will-they-3-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/northwestern-university/991226-i-3-northwestern-will-they-3-back.html</a></p>
<p>Does anyone know if you have to give interviews for Harvard etc?Because on their website I don’t think they say interviews r available in Pakistan but someone from the last thread said something about an interview…?</p>
<p>Salam guys.</p>
<p>Best of luck to all of you.</p>