The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Asian dude, 1st Gen.</p>

<p>UC GPA - 3.809
Composite: 26
English - 21 ( 9 Essay)
Math: 30
Reading: 25
Science: 26</p>

<p>SAT I - 1700
CR: 550 , M: 610, WR: 540
MATH II : 620
US History : 600</p>

<p>Rank: 89/900</p>


<p>Jewish Student Union - 3 Years (10 - 12th)
Peer Mentoring - 2 Years ( 11-12th)
Asian Club - 2 Years (11-12th)
CHS and CFS - 1 Year (12th)
Varsity Tennis - 2 Years (11-12th)
Knitting Club - 1 Year (12th)
BETA Club - 1 Year (12th)</p>

<p>High School does not offer any rewards / certificates.</p>

UCI/UCD/UCSB: High Match/Match
UCR/UCSC/UCM: Match/Low Match</p>

<p>In state, Taiwanese, female</p>

<p>Took all the honors courses offered, decent amount of AP's</p>

<p>GPA: 3.5W overall, getting a really low GPA soph year and continuing an upward trend, ending with a 4.3W this year
SAT: 1920 (CR600, M690, W630)
SATII: 740 Math2c, 580 BioM</p>

<p>Rank: Top 25% haha, sad I know</p>

- Flute:
Youth symphony for 4 years (no school band though)
Winner of a international competition (various judges from professors of Julliard!)
Winner of a state competition
Winner of several scholarships
Member of prestigious masterclasses in this area, with professional pianist accompanists
Flute institute (2 years)
ABRSM theory testing, level 6
CMEA/CODA California All State Orchestra alternate
and I will be sending in CD supplements to some UC's that said it was okay.</p>

<li>Junior Statesmen of America</li>
<li>Math Club Tutor</li>
<li>National Honor Society</li>
<li>Church Leadership role</li>
<li>100+ hours Community Service</li>
<li>2+ years of work experience, including with the mentally disabled and high school students</li>
<li>Tennis team 2 years</li>
<li>Honor Roll</li>

<p>Great essays :) hoping that will make up for my GPA?</p>

<p>All UC's please.</p>


<p>CCC transfer student
TAP certified
Korean female</p>

<p>Major: Political Science; eventually double with Statistics
GPA: 3.79
[SAT's don't matter for transfers. But got 2020.]</p>

secretary of a christian club
Sierra club
(yeah, not much...)</p>

<p>Ok essays. I'm no Hemingway.</p>

<p>I'm debating between UCI and UCLA... cost-benefit of expenses, prestige, GPA competitiveness, etc.</p>

<p>Possible future goals:
graduate school
law school
peon for the executive branch of gov't</p>

<p>Chance me? And which UCs would you recommend for the above mentioned aspirations?</p>

<h2>California Resident</h2>

<p>GPA: 3.97 UW, 4.25 W, 4.29ish UC
SAT I Math: 700
SAT I CR: 620
SAT I Writing: 720 (10 Essay)
SATII: Math II - 710, Spanish - 620, Spanish w/ listening - 610</p>

<h2>AP: Statistics (4), European History (4)</h2>



<p>California Scholarship Federation (CSF) (10,11,12)
*Lifetime member
National Honor Society (NHS) (11,12)
Spanish Honor Society (11,12)
*Officer position
American Red Cross Club (11,12)
Science Buddies (11)
*Online help w/ science fair projects</p>


<p>Track and Field - 2 years JV and 2 years V
Competitive Soccer
Recreational Basketball</p>


<p>Mexico Mission 2007 <built houses="" w="" church=""> (11)
Administrative Work at Medical Center
Yachting Company in France (Summer '06, '07)</built></p>


<p>Principal's Honor Roll
Biology Departmental Award</p>

<h2>CSF Lifetime Member</h2>

<p>UCB: Pre-Biz Admin/ Undeclared L&S
UCLA: Pre-Biz Econ
UCSD: Econ./International Relations (Revelle)</p>

<h2>UCD: International Relations</h2>

<p>May I suggest:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^ that website doesnt work well. It predicts based on your score range.
I played around with it, it turned out that I had a 100% chance of getting into Harvard with an 1700 SAT score and a 0% chance with a 2100---> just because 2100 is in the rejected Harvard applicant range and 1700 is not</p>

<p>CHANCES FOR ALL UCS! (i already got into riverside)</p>

<p>3.8 UC gpa
SAT 2040 (M 720, CR 650, W 670)
SAT II US H 680</p>

<h2>SAT II Math2 660</h2>

<p>ap scholar
csf (lifetime sealbearer)
piano (10 years)
lots of community service
officers in 3 clubs
great essays
newspaper ( 4years) editor this year
lots of religious service</p>

<p>chance me please =)</p>

<p>I am a transfer student from california community college.
Cali resident.
My GPA is 4.0, and I am in Sociology major.
Not many Xtra activities, but I've been working since I entered to the college.</p>

<p>I have one "C" from a non transferrable course. (So it did not actually affect my overall GPA, but it is shown on my official transcript.)
And I don't think my personal statements are good.</p>

<p>What do you think??</p>

<p>^I recommend <a href=""&gt;;/a> so that they know more about what they're talking about.</p>

UCB/UCLA: Slight reach/reach
UCSD: High match
UCSC/UCM/UCR: Safe Match</p>

<p>hey peppers, can you chance me as well ?</p>

<p>Thats what the ^^ is for.</p>

<p>peppers: For someone who gets a 4.0 in CCC, I woulda thought his chances would have been better. For example, the way people talk about transfering from a CCC, it makes me think he would be a match at UCB and UCLA. And his safe matches would be safeties. I just wondered if maybe you considered something I wasn't thinking about, such as the fact that there are many more applicants this year.</p>

<p>Peppers didn't chance the Transfer student (lisa-), the ^^ denotes he was replying to jhuscla.</p>

<p>Can someone chance me? Post 183</p>

<p>^I'm assuming that your converted UC GPA is ~3.7 (ie. the average of sophomore and junior years only)</p>

<p>UCLA/UCB: Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach/Reach
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Low Match</p>

<p>Whats my UC GPA? o.o Is it like the average of 4 semesters? Or is it the average of 10th grade plus the average of 11th grade divided by 2? o.o</p>


<p>Algebra 2/Trig: B, B
English II: A, A
World History: A, A
Spanish II: B, B
Honors Chemistry: C+, B</p>


<p>AP Chemistry: B, B
English III: A, A
US History: A, A
Spanish III: B, B
Honors PreCalculus: B, B</p>

<p>Also, what are my chances for UC Santa Cruz? =) SAT 1: 1660</p>

<p>Drop + and -, add up the 10 and 11 grade scores A=4, B=3 etc, add 1 point for each AP semester (but no more than 8 total added points), then divide by number of semesters.</p>

<p>You have 69/20 or 3.45 UC GPA. </p>

<p>Details of the addition</p>

<p>8 A semesters = 32 points
11 B semesters = 33 points
1 C semester = 2 points
total 20 semesters of classes
2 AP semesters = 2 points</p>

<p>Don't my honor classes get an extra point too?</p>

<p>Only if they're approved honors points on your school's UC Doorways page.</p>