The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>What was your score on the Math section of the SAT?</p>

<p>Yeah, if you applied to the regular colleges of the universities, you'd be a match everywhere, but engineering is significantly harder.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the info, rider. Good to know.</p>

<p>ACT (28 composite)
English= 35

literature= 720
world history= 620</p>

<p>essay pretty good, some work and volunteer experience.
My GPA is 3.2 unweighted. I don't know how to weight it, but I've taken a ton of courses at a community college. No AP classes though. I'm kind of worried because I got a IF grade in one of the college classes in the fall 07 semester.
I really only want to go to UCSC.....

<p>The F is going to be an issue, so it would be good if you made that grade up or contacted the school. I have no idea what that GPA means unless you factor in CC classes, since those usually give "AP" credit and constitute a weighted GPA. High match would be my guess from what little you're giving.</p>

<p>"Some people have different ways of saying the same thing?"</p>

<p>Peppers, do you mean that reaches is just a nice way of saying reject? I mean there's a pretty big difference for someone applying to UCLA with a 3.8 and 2000 (probably a reach - but still a chance), and someone with a 3.5 and 1800 (also a reach, but more likely of getting rejected)?</p>

<p>thanks for the info....</p>

<p>Reach is a prediction of rejection - obviously, we can predict neither accepts or rejects with absolute certainty. But that's why there are 'high reaches' and 'low reaches.'</p>

<p>Yes but my point was that he wrote "rejected," not reach. I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just curious. Is it a likely reject just because of the engineering?</p>

<p>It's a likely reject because of the kinds of engineering he applied to. My stats were overall stronger than your friends' and I wasn't admitted to Bioengineering at Berkeley or LA (although they put me in a major I'm much more comfortable with). I'm gauging it based on that and my personal experience with people that WERE admitted to bioengineering (generally 4.1 2150/750SATIIs)</p>

<p>Oh, okay, thanks.
One more quick Q: Would someone with a UC GPA of 3.9 and about the same SAT I/IIs and E.C.s that applied under college of L&S have a better shot?</p>

<p>Thanks again</p>

<p>Suppose the person had a slightly higher GPA when he/she applied to engineering, such as a 4.2? (same SATIIs though and stuff). Would that make any difference?</p>

<p>CA resident
1st generation
middle-eastern descent</p>


<pre><code> 1ST SEM 2ND SEM

<p>10TH- 3.83 W 3.5 W
11TH 3.67 W 3.5 W
Many AP and Honors classes throughout high school</p>

<h2>SAT =(</h2>



<p>Over 900 hours of community service (3 years)
- Convalescent Hosp
- Foster Family Agency
- City</p>

<p>Pres. of Interact Community Service Club
Treasurer of Best Buddies International
Active Member of Christian Club</p>

<p>GREAT Essays about a depressed patient I helped at the hospital.
** I want to major in genetics/biological sciences or public health...</p>

<p>CHANCES??? Thanks!</p>

<p>^What UCs, what UC GPA? You're a match for Third Tier and high match for UCI/UCSB.</p>

<p>^^The thing I would have reservations about is that SAT. 1990 is pretty low. Most of my engineering friends broke 2000, and a large number of those got 2100+. Is a 4.2 enough to swing an application? Maybe, but still not enough to call it a match.</p>

<p>okay, thanks</p>

<p>International (yet in-state.. very technical but the admissions lady we talked to said it could even be to my advantage ??? I'm clueless)</p>

<p>Expat living in the Netherlands</p>

<p>Dutch GPA = B- ish
but gpa there is very different and B- isn't bad at all. Also I have a very European range of school subjects(alot of foreign languages and just very varied).</p>

<p>SATI= 1700 (CR:600, M:530, W:570)
SATII= World History:700, Lit: 510</p>

<p>Good EC's spread out over different areas(sports, leadership, community service, job exp).</p>

<p>Essays were pretty good.</p>

<p>Could you CC wizards suggest my chances at the UC's ? Thanks a million.</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.79</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 700
SAT I Critical Reading: 620
SAT I Writing: 620</p>

<p>Total: 1940</p>

<p>SAT II Spanish w/ Listening: 720
SAT II Biology - Molecular: 690</p>

<p>AP Biology - 4
AP U.S. History - 3</p>

<p>12 Grade Courses:
Trig/Pre-Calc Honors
Band 5 Wind Ensemble Honors
AP Spanish 5 Language
Economics/ American Government
AP Language and Composition

- UCSF Biomedical High School Internship Research Program
- National Institutes of Health Short-Term Education Program, full paid trip to Maryland to present my UCSF research studies
- 4 years Marching Band
- 2 years Band Leadership Team
- 2 years Poetry Club
- 2 years Treasurer of Poetry Club
- 2 years Swimming </p>

<p>Awards & Honors:
- 2 time State Level Poetry Publication
- 1 time National Poetry Publication
- Research from Internship Publication in medical journal
- Band selected to perform at the Sydney Opera House, chosen to perform the world premiere of a new concert band piece
- Chosen to read my poem for the opening of my high schools PTSA Founder's Day Celebration</p>

<p>Community Service:
- Lucille Packard Children's Hospital Volunteer over 60 hours
- Second Harvest Food Bank
- High School Link Crew
- National Honor Society</p>

<p>Work Experience:
- UCSF Research Lab Team Member, part of internship, helped to record data from CT/MRI images for a cardiac disease study which was included in my research project </p>

<p>Major / Alternate Major:
Berkeley - Undeclared, Letters & Sciences
Davis - Biological Sciences / Undeclared, Life Sciences
Irvine - Biological Sciences / Undecided, Undeclared
Los Angeles - Biology / Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics
Riverside - Biological Sciences / Undeclared, Life Sciences
San Diego - Biology, General / Undeclared, Bio Sciences
Santa Barbara - Biological Sciences / Undeclared, Letters & Sciences
Santa Cruz - Biology / Undeclard, Life & Health Sciences</p>

<p>Interesting thing I noticed, on the UCD MyAdmissions site it gives a translation for the ACT - SATscores, it says my composite 28 = 1980. I thought for sure that the 28 wasn't better then the 1960 I got on the SAT. :)</p>

<p>Is that what the means? Because next to my ACT composite is says "2193" so i was really confused. However, it makes sense because a 33 = 2190 on that Princeton Review site.</p>

<p>Yeah, I believe that's what it means. By the way, congrats on getting a 33, excellent score.</p>

<p>Class of 2008
Ethnicity: Filipino
Location: Los Angeles</p>

<p>U.C. G.P.A.- 3.83
Fully Weighted G.P.A.- 4.00
Composite: 28
English/Writing: 28 (10 essay)
Math: 30
Reading: 25
Science: 27
Math II: 770
Chemistry: 580
Rank: Top 10% (64/693)


<p>9th grade-
H English 9: A/B
H Integrated/Coordinated Science: B/B
H Music History, Lit, and Analysis: A/A
Spanish 1: A/A
Algebra 2: A/B
Adv P.E.: A/A</p>

<p>10th grade-
H English 10: B/B
AP World History: A/A
AP Biology: C/C
Spanish 2: A/A
Math Analysis: B/A
Tennis: A/A
Music 39 (at a community college): B</p>

<p>11th grade-
AP English Language: B/B
AP U.S. History: B/A
AP Chemistry: B/A
AP Calculus AB: B/A
Spanish 3: A/A
Web Design: A/B
Adv Comp: A
Psychology 1 (at a community college): A
Intro to Psychology: A
Intro to Sociology: A</p>

<p>12th grade:
AP English Literature
AP U.S. Government/H Economics
AP Physics B
AP Calculus BC
Latin American Studies
College Prep Seminar
Economics 1 (at a community college): B
Economics 2 (at a community college):</p>

<p>AP Scores-
AP World History: 3
AP U.S. History: 3
AP English Language: 3
AP Calculus AB: 5</p>

Volunteer at church: 10 years
Church youth group:
VP- 2007
President- 2008
Church youth choir: 4 years
Volunteer at hospital: 50+ hours
Key Club: 2 years
Student government: 1 year</p>

AP Scholar
Misc. school-related awards</p>

UCLA- Computer Science/Engineering
UC Berkeley- Engineering: Undeclared
UC Davis- Computer Science/Engineering
UC Irvine- Info Computer Science/Undeclared
UC Riverside- Computer Science</p>