The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>I was disillusioned to find out that they don't. -_-</p>

<p>Hi Everyone : )
I'm just curious about your opinions on my chances at getting into any of the UC's. My favorite so far is definitely Davis.
I'm looking to major in Biology, Psychology or Political Science.</p>

<p>Female, caucasian
I am a California resdident.
I attend a very good public school (blue ribbon, etc.)
I'm a junior right now.</p>

<p>GPA weighted: 3.9
Unweighted: 3.8
Freshman year I took: Dance, english, history, health, geometry, biology, spanish 2, and PE. I got all A's except for one B+ in geometry one semester.
Sophomor year: English, history, chemistry, algebra 2, spanish 3, Child develiopment. Once again all A's except for one B+ in Chemistry one semester.
Sem. 1 of Junior year: English, APUSH, APBio, Honors Spanish 4, Trigonemetry, Anatomy and Physiology. I got 4 A's and then a B in APUSH, a B+ in APBIO, so my GPA was 4.167</p>

<p>ACT Score (as a sophomore): Composite 30
Math 27, Reading 33, English 30, Science 28
I just retook the ACT yesterday and I'm hoping to go up to 31 or 32.</p>

<p>I volunteer at the hospital once a week for 3 hours.
I have been in the spanish club for 2 years and i expect to be in it next year.
I have been in CSF since freshman year and will be in it through senior year.</p>

<p>That's all I have so far. So please let me know what you think : ) Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>^looking very strong for Davis and lower. SD is also in range, and LA/Berkeley are definite possibilities. </p>

<p>You need SAT 2s though and stronger ECs could help.</p>

<p>Thanks so much : )
I will be taking the SAT II's in May/June. So I'm hoping for high scores on those.</p>

<p>Also, for extracurriculars I may volunteer at the animal shelter over the summer. My parents can't afford to send me anywhere (like to a summer program).</p>

<p>So I just got my first semester grades (eh, not good) and I was wondering if they would effect my admissions (if I get in) to any of the mid-tier schools (I, SB, D).
2Cs, 2Bs, 1A. All are AP Classes, pretty much the toughest schedule a senior can take. AP Calc BC, AP Biology, AP Lit/Comp, AP Art History, AP Govt</p>

<p>hey rider, so would the way you calculated UC GPA be weighted GPA?</p>

<p>•CA Resident / Asian American
•GPA: 3.7 (W) UC GPA.
•Rank: School doesn’t rank
•Very competitive Public school (No.1 in District, one of the 21 Public Elites according to Newsweek)
•Class size: ~550</p>

<p>•SAT: 2060 (650 M, 800 W (12 essay), 610 CR)
•SAT 2: Spanish Language: 760, U.S. History: 650</p>


<p>•Aid for Africa (11-12): Publicist. I was elected as a Publicist when the club first started in my Junior year. I am responsible for creating club flyers, planning for the Club Fair and other fundraising events, and creating designs for club t-shirts.
•Amnesty International (11-12): Member.
•Church Homeless Ministry (11-12): Volunteer. I have multiple responsibilities, including tables/chairs preparation, food distribution, serving coffee, and singing in the choir.
•City's Open Space Nature Preserve (Summer 2006): Volunteer. I mainly worked on trail maintenance and administrative work.
•Tutoring (9): I tutored elementary kids around my neighborhood in Guatemala.
•Soccer instructor (9): I taught soccer to elementary kids around my neighborhood in Guatemala.</p>


<p>•Principal’s Honor Roll</p>

<p>•I lived in Guatemala for about 14 years. I moved to the U.S. for 10th grade. I realized that my current school’s curriculum is way harder/stronger than that of the school I attended back in Guatemala. Although not a straight A’s student, I tried my best to pull a decent GPA while adapting to my new life in the US.</p>

<p>•My essay reflects my experiences during my life in Guatemala. My teachers and Counselor said it was nice. I hope the essay will be the "hook" of my application, since anything else besides it is not that stellar.</p>


<p>Berkeley - Latin American Studies
Davis - IR
Irvine - IR
LA - Econ/International Area Studies
SB - PoliSci</p>

<p>Berkeley: Reach
UCLA: Slight Reach/Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach/High Match
Irvine/Davis/SB: Match</p>

Chinese male.
Lives in-state (California).
Attends public high school in CA.
Applied for financial aid.</p>

<p>Overall Weighted GPA: 3.46
UC GPA: 3.4</p>

<p>Classes (including senior year):
3 honors classes in all.
3 AP classes in all.
1 community college course in the summer.</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Test:
Critical Reading: 650
Mathematics: 660
Writing: 720 (11 on essay)
Total: 2030</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests:
Chinese with Listening: 750
Mathematics Level 2: 690
Literature: 650</p>

<p>Offices held and activities and organizations:
-Member of Class of 2008 Committee (9th-12th grade)
-Participated in AIDS Walk (11th-12th grade)
-Activities Director of school Hip Hop team (11th-12th grade)
-President of my chapter of Eyes Around the World organization (11th-12th grade)
-Basketball League Team Captain (10th-12th grade)
-Vice President of Hoops 4 Hope Club (11th-12th grade)
-Member of Freestylers Club (9th-12th grade)
-Participated in Bottles for the Bay program (11th-12th grade)
-Chinese American Federation (11th-12th grade)
-English Tutor (11th-12th grade)
-Participated in Rosemead Reading Program (11th-12th grade)
-Basketball League Youth Division Coach (11th-12th grade)</p>

<p>Honors and awards received:
-National Merit Commended Award
-Most Valuable Player of Basketball League
-Youth Future CEO Award
-Student of the Month
-Principal's Honor Roll</p>

<p>Coursework Other Than A-G:
-Chinese school classes since 5th grade.
-Graphics I course junior year at my school.
-Hip Hop classes 11th and 12th grade.
-Weekend art classes since 5th grade.
-Weekend piano classes since third grade.</p>

<p>Work experience:
-Sales Assistant at Mom’s electronics company for 2 years
-Assistant to the President (my Dad’s) company for 2 years</p>

-Wrote beautiful, personal, moving essays.
-Also wrote additional essay which explained my grades a little better.</p>

<p>Excellent letters of recommendation from:
-Frehman year history teacher (now the Dean of History)
-Junior year history teacher.
-Freshman/sophomore year math teacher.</p>

Great, personal interview at USC. (Also attended the Open house there)</p>

<p>Please chance me on the following universities!
Los Angeles
Merced - Accepted!
Riverside - Accepted!
San Diego
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo - Accepted!</p>

<p>Thank you in advance for your time!!!</p>

<p>Cal Poly San Luis Obispo early action is binding. RD is not out yet.</p>

<p>Asian Male
Income < $40k/yr
GPA - Will probably be about ~3.9-4.0 weighted at the end of this year. (not counting freshmen year, had Ds and Fs so class rank is bad)
Huge upward trend - Sophomore year 3.6-3.8, junior year 4.0 - 4.2</p>

<p>SATs: 2230 (750 CR, 760 M, 720 W)
SAT IIs: Haven't taken yet, but they will most likely be average (650-700, maybe a little higher)</p>

-Botball team: 7th grade (fourth overall, first seeding vs. high school students), 11th grade (expecting to win something this year). I also mentor the middle school kids in their botball team.
-Intel Science Fair: Robotics project, expecting to qualify for internationals this year, will be competing again next year. (This takes up 75% of my spare time, it is a REALLY big project)
-UH Summer Internship at Autonomous Systems Lab (underwater robotics)
-Website admin for my parent's company
- 4 years trumpet
- 2 years piano
- 1 year SAT tutor</p>

<li>I have also spent a substantial amount of time self-learning a variety of technology-based skills, such as graphic design, html, css, c++, and basic, but I don't know if those count/are worth anything since they are more like hobbies.</li>

<p>No community service at all.
Recs will probably be average (for USC/carnegie mellon), essays will be good.</p>

<p>Taking 2 APs this year, 4 APs next year, along with some community college courses.
Intended major: Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering</p>

<p>Chance me for:


<p>Can someone chance me again (this time for scholarships; I'm wondering if I could get Regents for Irvine and Davis, since I got the Irvine Honors invite...)?</p>

<p>Asian American (Chinese) Male, single parent, low income (25K)</p>

<p>Goes to semi-competitive public school</p>

<p>10-11th weighted GPA: 4.0 (Includes summer classes at CC)
10th-11th unweighted: 3.68
9th-11th unweighted:3.56
Class rank: Around 112 / 600 (our district doesn't weigh GPA's for class rank)</p>


<p>10th Grade:
Geometry: A/A-
Biology: A-/A-
AP World History: B/A
English 2 Honors: B+/A-
Spanish 2: A-/B+
P.E: A/A-</p>

<p>11th Grade:
Chemistry: A+/A
Algebra 2: A+/A
U.S History: A/A
A.P Computer Science A: B+/A-
A.P English Lang / Comp: B-/B
Spanish 3: B+/A-</p>

<p>Summer classes at CC:
Introduction to Business: B (missed one week of class)
Trigonometry: A
Pre-Calculus Algebra: A

<p>Courses this year (1st semester grades for reference; Cal and LA might see them with their supplement?):
AP Physics B -A
AP Calculus AB -A
AP Government/Regular Econ (One semester of each) -A
English 4 -A
Choir 1 -A+
Taking Calculus 2 at CC</p>

<p>AP Scores:
AP World History: 5
AP Computer Science: 4
AP English: 4</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests:
Chinese: 800
Math II: 780
Chemistry: 740</p>

Composite: 33
English: 33
Math: 35
Reading: 33
Science: 30
Essay: 11</p>

National Merit Commendation
AP Scholar</p>

<p>Spent 5 years in Taiwan at a regular public school. I wrote about this in my essay, and I truly believe that this has changed me a lot due to the exposure to an ultra-competitive Asian school culture(again, wrote about in essay).</p>

Chinese Club (one of the founders): 9th/10th grades
CSF: 11th and 12th grades
Key Club: 11th and 12th grades
Church tutoring helper: 10th grade
Church GK (youth leader): 12th grade
NYLF Tech Forum: Summer after 10th grade
Piano (5 years, never had time to take CM examinations though). Despite the fact that I have never won any awards or sorts, I believe that I do have a pretty big passion for piano (write about in 2nd essay and explained why I didn't play piano for a longer time due to many circumstances)
Game Development Club - officer: 12th grade</p>

<p>Works for uncle's company unofficially (computer accesories compnay), does translation and grammatical checking (his company is based in Taiwan)</p>

<p>Chances for Cal, UCLA, UCSD, UCI and UCD. Thanks! (Sorry for the wall of text.)</p>

<p>Your GPA and average (for scholarships not overall) ACT makes your chances of getting a scholarship at Cal/UCLA pretty low. UCSD, there's still a small chance of getting something, although I do think they released the scholar's day letters already. UC Irvine, again, the issue is your GPA, but you have a reasonable chance at a scholarship, especially with your other conditions and such.</p>

<p>Haha, I just found out I got into Irvine like a few minutes ago (that's really weird, it's only Feburary), but I got Regents for Irvine. Is that a good sign for getting into Cal (my first choice)?</p>

<p>yea, congratulations man!!! It's definitley a good sign!
Do you mind posting your stats, shortduderay??
I'm really curious to know what the average stat was for UCI Regents!</p>

<p>^See post item#212</p>

<p>Anyone..Pleeease chance me for UCSB!</p>

UC GPA: 3.75
SAT I: 2020
SAT IIs: 670 Bio, 670 Lit</p>

<p>ECs and Volunteer work (updated):
-2 mission trips to Mexico, 1 mission trip to Japan
-Around 650 volunteer hours at the hospital
-Chairman of my youth group Outreach committee, organized car wash/awareness rally/garage sale benefiting Darfur and Toys for Tots drive
-Kindergarten sunday school teacher
-HOSA member, helped organize school wide blood drive and project helping pregnant teens and their children at my school
-4 years of competitive cheerleading
-4 years of tumbling and gymnastics</p>

Red Ribbon Essay award
Honor Roll
Cheerleading awards</p>

<p>^Even at OOS status, that's reasonably a match.</p>

<p>Added some new information. Would love to know my chances for UC Berkeley.</p>

<p>Intended Major: EECS (in state applicant)
Weighted GPA: 4.4(for 10th and 11th grade), 4.45 including 7th semester
Unweighted: 3.88
UC GPA: 4.21
Class Rank: Very competitive public high school in CA(API>900), but am somewhere between top 5-8 percent.</p>

<p>SAT: 2270(800 Math, 780 Writing, 690 Critical Reading), 2350 superscore(has a 750 CR score)
Math 2c: 800
Chemistry: 800</p>

1) Cross-Country (Captain)
2) Track
3) Robotics
4) Math and Science Peer Tutor
5) Poetry
6) Creative Writing Publishing
7) Piano
8) Speech and Debate
9) Link Crew
10) SAT Tutor: Specialize in SAT Math I, Math II, SAT Writing, Physics, and Chemistry</p>

1) National Merit Commended Scholar
2) AP Scholar(5- Calc. BC, 5- Physics B, 5- AP US History)
3) School Community Service Award(150+ hrs Community Service)
4) Nationally-published poet, recipient of several writing awards
5) Placed in top 3 in several local piano tournaments</p>

<p>Current Schedule
AP English Language and Composition
AP Chemistry
AP Computer Science AB
AP Spanish Language
Multivariable Calculus (Local Community College)
AP Statistics

Very strong. I mentioned my early interest in engineering and discussed my visions for my future as well as society's future. Also discussed my blending of liberal arts and engineering.</p>

<p>Chances at UCB?</p>

<p>^I would say you're in. My bro got into UCB EECS a few years back, and his stats were lower than yours.</p>