The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Thanks for your input Peppers!</p>

<p>California Resident
Public HS
1 Hour from UCLA
parents make $200,000+</p>

<p>Freshman Year: All A's, nothing really...4 semesters of honors
Sophomore Year: All A's save for 3 B's, 8 semesters of honors classes (2 of them AP)
Junior Year: All A's save for 4 B's, 12 honors classes (5 of them AP, one over summer)
Senior Year: 10 Semesters of honors classes (5 of them AP)</p>

<p>AP Tests/classes</p>

<p>european history -5
Bio - 5</p>

<p>calc bc - 5
physics b - 5
english 3 - 4
music theory - 5
US history - 4</p>

<p>senior year:
physics c -
stat AP -
AP gov/econ -
spanish AP -
english 4 -</p>

<p>(only including sophomore and junior year)
UW GPA: 3.85
W GPA: 4.5
Rank: 3</p>

<p>SATI: 2100
SATII: 770 chem, 800 math</p>

<p>ACT: 33</p>




<p>4 Years of Taekwondo (black belt)</p>

<p>not really going to help me but i hope it doesnt hurt me.. 1 year of JV wrestling, 1 year of varsity volleyball, 1 year of marching band (***?!?! i know)</p>

<p>NHS - 3 years (maybe officer next year)
CSF - 2 years
FBLA - 2 years (all including senior year next year)</p>

<p>Volunteer service:
150 Hours at local hospital
I tutor HS students after school
relay for life</p>

<p>job: tutor/grader at learning center (only for a year)</p>


<p>^UCLA should be a match.</p>

<p>Asian Male; junior right now (Class of '09)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.94
Hard schedule</p>

<p>Top 5% of class @ Walt Whitman High School (#40 in the nation)</p>

<p>National Merit Commended Scholar</p>

<p>Intended Major: Environmental Engineering</p>

Government -- 4
English Comp, Envt Science, Calc BC, Chem -- taking in May 08</p>

<p>Senior year schedule:
AP Physics C
AP English Lit
AP Econ (Micro/Macro)
AP Statistics
AP Comparative Politics
Multi-Variable Calc
Hon. Modern World History</p>

<p>SAT I:
2130 (taking it again with hopes of 2250 or higher)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Taking Math and Chem in June 08 -- expecting 800 on math, in the mid to high 700's in chem.
* Do I need a humanities SAT II in order to be "well-rounded?" **</p>

- over 200 hrs of community service
- Summer internships at a factory and non profit environmental company (and I'm hoping for another one this summer)
- VP of South Asian Society (Soph. yr)
- Co-President of South Asian Society
- Tutored elementary school children
- World traveler (with family)
- Debate team (top 30 in DC-metro area, etc)
- County basketball team for 6 consecutive years</p>

<p>One of my top choices is UCB!!
<strong>If reach, what can I do to increase my chances?</strong>
Thank you!</p>

<p>Curious about chances for Berkeley, LA, SD, and Davis</p>

<p>In-state, Undeclared - Biz or Econ</p>

<p>Competitive CA public high school, within top 10% (school does not have official rankings)</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.28
W GPA: 4.19
UW GPA: 3.84</p>

<p>SAT I: 2210 (700M, 750CR, 760W)
SAT II: 760 (Chinese), 720 (Math IIC)</p>

<p>AP Bio:4
AP Music Theory: 4
AP Calc AB: 3</p>

<p>National Merit Semi-finalist
Founder and President of a cultural dance club (a long-time commitment and huge part of my life and application)
Co-President of Math Team
Piano - CM Level 10 Panel
- Guild High School Diploma
Art - won awards
Ballet - danced in many local productions
Volunteer at nursing home
Volunteer Teacher's Assistant at Chinese School
And some random self-employed pursuits (e.g. piano teacher, English tutor)</p>

<p>i have several questions regarding admissions (probably doesn't apply as much to B/LA, since they're more holistic)</p>

<p>1) If your scores/GPA are pretty above the averages for the school, will the school reject u if you're overqualified by a lot? or b/c they're publics, they'll accept u, even though they feel like it's not likely you'll attend</p>

<p>2) Do the schools care enough if a student is more science-geared (like APs in math/science, but the regular classes for english/social studies)? or do they not have enough time to really see if an applicant is well-rounded or not?</p>

<p>3) Adding to above, if someone was always on the regular path in english/SS, but then decided to take like AP english or AP econ/psych in senior yr, would that have a big effect on well-roundedness/admissions?</p>

<p>Desperate for even a sign:

<p>First generation going to college</p>

<p>Out of state
Excellent and competetive high school
IB curriculum
Weighted GPA 4.0
Unweighted GPA 3.67
UC GPA 3.97 (if i did it correctly)</p>

<p>SAT I: 1750 (CR:430 M:800 W:520)
SAT II: Chem: 700 Math2: 740</p>

<p>ACT + Writting:
Composite score: 24
Math: 35
Reading: 15
Science: 25
Writting: 23 (Essay: 10)</p>

<p>EC and Service: over enough
Work experience: 2 years</p>

UW GPA: 3.8
Rank: 89/500ish
APs: European History, French, US History, Lit, Calc AB, Gov</p>

<p>ECs: XC (not good enough to be recruited), piano, ASB, CSF, NHS, track (1 yr)</p>

<p>no SATs yet, I know this will probably be a determining factor.</p>

<p>I will probably apply to most of them, and a few CSUs.</p>

<p>Prospective major: polysci, french or psych (may double up)</p>

<p>... sooo... chance me? :)</p>

<p>Can I get into UC Davis?
SAT: 1950
SAT 2:720,700
UC GPA:3.84
above average essay
below average E.C.
california resident</p>

<p>^That's good for Davis.</p>

<p>bump!! chance me... please! :)</p>

<p>In state
Low income family
First generation
Competitive school</p>

<p>Weighted - 4.1ish
Unweighted - 3.78
UC GPA - 4.0
rank 128/800 (unweighted rank)</p>

<p>SAT - 1800
SAT2 - US History 700 Bio 690 Math2C 680</p>

<p>Pretty good essays
EC are average</p>

<p>AP Classes
APCS - 4
APBio - 4
APCalc AB - 4
AP US History - 4
AP Euro History - 3</p>

<p>Senior schedule: 3 Weighted Classes</p>

<p>Can anyone chance me for UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCSD and UCLA? Thanks.</p>

UCLA: Slight Reach/Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach/High Match
UCI/UCD/UCSB: Match</p>

<p>Give me a quick, last minute chancing please. :)</p>

Major: all undecided
Unweighted GPA: 3.5
UC GPA: 3.72 (horrible I know...)
SAT I: 2290 ( 770 M, 770 W, 750 R)
SAT II: 760 US Hist, 760 Math IIC, 720 Lit
APs: AP Euro (5), APUSH (4), AP LANG (5)</p>

<p>Essays: pretty good imo
Extracirriculars: average</p>

<p>Chance for UCD, UCSD, UCLA, UCB, and UCI.</p>

<p>Many Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, I have a question as well. </p>

<p>How much do the amount of A-G courses count on the admissions for UCI, and does it will a low amount (18) negate a decent GPA of 3.9?</p>

<p>18 A-G courses even managed to satisfy all the UC requirements? Is that classes or semesters?</p>

<p>hi i know it's only about a week or two before decisions are released, but i was wondering what my chances are for UCLA, UCSB, and UCSD.</p>

<p>asian female
in-state resident
4.1 uc gpa (i think i did it correctly)
rank 29/804 (top 4%)
sat I: 1970
sat II: English 660 US History 670
act: 30</p>

AP European History: A A
Spanish II: A B
English 10H: A A
Newspaper: A A
Algebra IIE: B B</p>

AP US History: A A
AP English Lang & Comp: A B
Spanish III: A B
Newspaper: A A
Math Analysis: B B</p>

Newspaper staff writer (1 yr, 10th)
Newspaper copy & profiles editor (1 yr, 11th)
Newspaper editor-in-chief (1 yr, 12th)
Bottles for the Bay president (2 yrs)
Hospital volunteer (100+ hrs)
Feminist Literary Club vice president (2 yrs)
Octagon Club secretary (2 yrs)
International Club secretary (1 yr)</p>

i have two part time jobs.
file clerk (8 hrs/week, 1.5 yrs, dec. 2006-present)
crepe maker (14 hrs/week, 6 months, summer 2007-present)</p>

<p>senior schedule:
AP Govt/Econ
AP English Lit & Comp
AP Spanish
AP Calc BC
AP Bio

<p>Thanks in advance for taking the time to chance me. :]</p>

<p>oops i forgot to add that i took chemistry my junior year and i got A's both semesters. Also, in Algebra II E, i got an A first semester, not a B. lol sorry i typed this at work and i was just doing it by memory.</p>

<p>^Are you sure that Newspaper counts as an A-G class? </p>

<p>Going by what you said, </p>

<p>UCLA: Slight Reach/High Match
UCSD: High Match/Match
UCSB: Match/Safe Match</p>

<p>yeah i checked and our school newspaper class is considered a college prep elective. thanks again for chancing me. :]</p>